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Failing to write to database using entity framework ( edmx )

As the title says, I have a problem writing to local database. I generated a edmx Model from this, and I can easily read from it.

EDMXNS.TOWDataBasev1Entities db = new EDMXNS.TOWDataBasev1Entities();

var query = from p in db.Accounts select p;

foreach (EDMXNS.Accounts s in query)

That works fine. However when I try to write to the database, nothing happens. I do not get any errors, exceptions etc. I figure, since I can read from the database, that it's not a connection problem.

Here is the code i have for writing.

EDMXNS.TOWDataBasev1Entities db = new EDMXNS.TOWDataBasev1Entities();
EDMXNS.Accounts acc = new EDMXNS.Accounts();

acc.AccountID = 1;
acc.AccountName = "testuser";
acc.AccountPW = "testpw";
acc.PersonDataID = 0;


It is worthwhile to meantion that my Accounts.AccountID has identity/autoincrement, but I have tried both setting it to the next known value, or simply not setting it at all.

Do anyone have an idea as to what might cause this problem?

EDIT: I also tried to remove the custom name space, delete all records of the database and reimport it all.

Removing the custom tool name space, results in errors like these: Ambiguity between 'TOWServer.Accounts.AccountName' and 'TOWServer.Accounts.AccountName'

Which doesnt tell me anything.

Reimporting everything now gives me an exception: "Unable to load the specified metadata resource"

I've always use this format when adding records with EF, Try following this format:

using (MovieStoreEntities context = new MoveStoreEntities()) 

        context.Movies.AddObject(new Movie() { MovieID = 234,  
             Title = "Sleepless Nights in Seattle", Quantity = 10 }); 
      catch(Exception ex)  

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