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expect program send commands from file

How to make send command of "expect" program to read from a file and use each line as argument.

I want to use a loop like structure in expect program which may look like below(NOTE:- while loop is imaginary.)

spawn /my/program

expect {
 -re EBtxjjmEcQTxc0SLd4TdXxjUduxCOLZBwEme2Z.*password: { 
             while read_line in FILE; 
                 send $read-line; 

How to program the while-loop part equivalent using "expect"

Note in your question, you were missing a close brace, and you mis-typed your variable name ( read_line and read-line )

Expect is a Tcl extension, so you have all the Tcl commands at your disposal

spawn /my/program
expect { 
    -re EBtxjjmEcQTxc0SLd4TdXxjUduxCOLZBwEme2Z.*password: { 
        set fh [open FILE r]
        while {[gets $fh read_line] != -1} {
            send "$read_line\r"
        close $fh

If you install tcllib , you can do

package require fileutil
spawn /my/program
expect { 
    -re EBtxjjmEcQTxc0SLd4TdXxjUduxCOLZBwEme2Z.*password: { 
        fileutil::foreachLine read_line FILE {
            send "$read_line\r"

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