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Check the word after a '@' character in PHP

I'm making a news and comment system at the moment, but I'm stuck at one part for a while now. I want users to be able to refer to other players on the twitter style like @username . The script will look something like this: (not real PHP, just imagination scripting ;3)

$string = "I loved the article, @SantaClaus, thanks for writing!";
if($string contains @){ 
    $word = word after @;
    $check = is word in database? ...

And that for all the @username's in the string, perhaps done with a while(). I'm stuck, please help.

This is where regular expressions come in.

    $string = "I loved the article, @SantaClaus! And I agree, @Jesus!";
    if (preg_match_all('/(?<!\w)@(\w+)/', $string, $matches))
        $users = $matches[1];
        // $users should now contain array: ['SantaClaus', 'Jesus']
        foreach ($users as $user)
            // check $user in database
  1. The / at beginning and end are delimiters (don't worry about these for now).
  2. \\w stands for a word character , which includes az , AZ , 0-9 , and _ .
  3. The (?<!\\w)@ is a bit advanced, but it's called a negative lookbehind assertion , and means, "An @ that does not follow a word character." This is so you don't include things like email addresses.
  4. The \\w+ means, "One or more word characters." The + is known as a quantifier .
  5. The parentheses around \\w+ capture the portion parenthesized, and appear in $matches .

regular-expressions.info seems to be a popular choice of tutorial, but there are plenty of others online.

Looks like a job for preg_replace_callback():

$string = preg_replace_callback('/@([a-z0-9_]+)/', function ($matches) {
  if ($user = get_user_by_username(substr($matches[0], 1)))
    return '<a href="user.php?user_id='.$user['user_id'].'">'.$user['name'].'</a>';
    return $matches[0];
}, $string);

考虑使用Twitter API从您的文本中捕获用户名: https//github.com/twitter/twitter-text-js

Here's an expression that'll match what you need, but won't capture email addresses:

$str = '@foo I loved the article, @SantaClaus, thanks for writing to my@email.com';
preg_match_all('/(^|[^a-z0-9_])(@[a-z0-9_]+)/i', $str, $matches);
//$matches[2][0] => @foo
///$matches[2][1] => @SantaClause

As you can see: my@email.com isn't captured, but the @foo and @SantaClaus strings are ...

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