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MIPS reversing string with Add a space

How to Add a space between every two characters of the input word and then print it out.

In my program it can reversing a String


        sub     $t2, $t2, 1     #this statement is now before the 'load address'
        la      $t0, buffer($t2)   #loading value
        lb      $a0, ($t0)

        bnez    $t2, Loop       

        li      $v0, 10              #program done: terminating
        jr $ra

My Result

Enter string: Hello

Original: Hello

Reversed: olleH

but How to Add a space between every two characters of the input word

Enter string: Hello

Original: H ello

Reversed: olle H

The code you provided is printing a reversed string stored in buffer, but the reversed string is not stored back. If that was your intent, then all you need is to print a space after each character printed.

That is accomplished by adding these two lines after the syscall that prints each character (before the bnez $t2, Loop )

  li $a0, ' '

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