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How can I accept or delete any pending post?

I am very very disappointed this time. I wasted my whole day and I couldn't help me out. Here is the problem:

I need accept or delete the pending jobs. If I accept, only then it will publish on my site. Please look at the image. 在此输入图像描述

Here I am trying this code to handle this matter. Firstly if anyone post a new job, I pass a hidden value=0 according to the job.

<input type="hidden" name="pending" value=0/>

Then I store it in my database.

INSERT INTO job (Pending) VALUES ('$_POST[pending]');

Then I go to the image(above) page to accept or delete.

echo "<a href='accept.php?accept=1'>ACCEPT</a> Or ";
echo "<a href='accept.php?accept=0'>DELETE</a>";

After accepting Pending column will be replaced from 0 to 1 and thus it will be published. Or deleting time, the job will be simply be deleted from database.

mysql_query("UPDATE job SET Pending='$accept'
WHERE ID='5'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM job WHERE ID='5'");

In the 'job' table, I use a primary auto increment column named ID. I put 5 for ID. So this code will work only for the pending job which ID is 5. So my problem is here. How can I alternate this 5 with a dynamic variable?


$result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM job ORDER BY ID DESC");
while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1))

 $now = time();
 $last_date = strtotime("$year-$month-$day");
 $datediff = $last_date - $now;
echo "<div class=cat>Job field: $cat<br/></div>";
  echo "<div class=yel2>";
 echo "This is a <b>$type time</b> job and we are looking for <b>$title</b>. $desp<br/>";
if ($salary!=0) echo "Salary: $salary<br/>";
echo "Contact info: $info<br/>Last date: $day-$month-$year";
 echo "<br/><span class=ash><i>Today is the last day to apply</i><br/>";
 echo "<br/><span class=ash><i>$day_left day(s) left</i></span><br/>";
 echo "<span class=acc><a href='accept.php?accept=1'>ACCEPT</a><span> Or ";
 echo "<span class=del><a href='accept.php?accept=0'>DELETE</a></span>";

Just pass the id along with the accept url.

echo "<span class=acc><a href='accept.php?id=$id&accept=1'>ACCEPT</a><span> Or ";

You can grab the id inside the accept.php script using

$post_id = $_GET['id'];

The code would require little change

$accept = intval($_GET['accept']); // safe against sql-injections
$post_id = intval($_GET['id']);
mysql_query("UPDATE job SET Pending='$accept'
WHERE ID='$post_id'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM job WHERE ID='$post_id'");

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