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Is there a way I can know what files are affected by a CSS rule using Sublime Text 2?

As above, I want to be able to find all files in a project which are affected by a css rule. For example, I type "#header .container li" and I got all the files where that rule is applied.

Just to be more clear, let's say I have a project with these html files:

File 1:
 <div id="header">
    <div class="container">

File 2:
 <div id="header2">
    <div class="container">

File 3:
 <div id="header">
    <div class="container">
         <li class="nomatter">Something</li>

If I type "#header .container li" (CSS rule) I expect to get file 1 and file 3 since them are affected by the css rule I typed.

Use the plugin/package Element Finder (nodejs is required).

Copied from an introduction post of its author:

Element Finder is a tool for web developers to find which HTML files contain elements matching a specific CSS selector. You might be new on a project, returning to a project that you haven't worked on for a while, or maybe a CSS selector is just unclear and you're not sure exactly which pages it will effect. Just copy a CSS selector into Element Finder and you will quickly see all of the HTML elements in your project which match that selector. For example if you search for div.main , it will show you all the DIV elements with a classname of main .

For users on an editor without support for the Element Finder plugin, you can use the same core functionality as a command-line interface with the element-finder npm module (by the same author).

npm install -g element-finder

elfinder -s ".layout-fluid #sidebar" -i ".tmp, dist" -x "html, php"
  • -s is CSS selector
  • -i is ignored folders
  • -x is file extensions to search

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