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Difficulties with JQuery UI Sortable inside Accordion backed by Knockout JS

See the jsFiddle link here for the UI I am trying to construct. First, the user selects a Conference. The Events for the selected Conference are shown in the Accordion, and each Event has Tables which are shown inside the Accordion as a plain html table. The user should be able to drag/drop the Tables and customize their Sort Order. All this is backed by Knockout JS which has worked great so far, but I've hit a block...

The first problem I had was "data-binding" the Accordion. I implemented the custom binding handler solution found here , and this seems to work great. However, I can't seem to reliably wire up the sortable functionality for the Table records.

I can't simply call $(".sortable tbody").sortable(); in the $(document).ready(function(){}); . Although that works the for the first Conference, as soon as the SelectedConference changes, the sortable functionality is lost. I could add it to the update function of the Accordion's custom binder:

update: function (element, valueAccessor) {

            var options = valueAccessor();
            $(element).accordion({ active: "h3:last", collapsible: true });

            //TODO: add sortable call here

That seems to work, but I'm new to custom binders. Is this innefficient? Are there better ways to implement the sortable functionality?


Don't worry about custom binding handlers they are the right place to put this kind of logic.

However I would suggest that you should create a new custom binding only for the sortable logic because it has nothing to do with your accordions:

ko.bindingHandlers.sortable = {
    init: function (element, valueAccessor) {
        var options = valueAccessor() || {};

Then you can use it your html:

<tbody data-bind="foreach: Tables, sortable: {}">

Demo JSFiddle .

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