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How to use regex with MongoDB's distinct command?

MongoDB's distinct command is perfect for what I'm trying to achieve, which is get a unique set of results for a particular key in a collection.

I've read that it supports regex, but I can't work out how to incorporate it into the query.

So this:


Would return

    "values" : [
    "stats" : {
        "n" : 5,
        "nscanned" : 5,
        "nscannedObjects" : 5,
        "timems" : 0,
        "cursor" : "BasicCursor"
    "ok" : 1

How would I build this query so that it only returns the unique values that match a regex of say, 'chev'?

In php you can achieve this by doing

$cars = $db->command(
        "distinct" => "car_collection",
        "key" => "car_company.name",   // or what so ever key you wish to be distinct
        "query" => array("car_company.name" => new MongoRegex("/^chev/i"))

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