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How I can make that users from a Active Directory Folder can see a webform in my ASP.NEt Application?

I have built a ASP.NET Application that is for Guestconnection and this have a navigation with

  • Add User
  • Log
  • Help

This Application will be run in our intranet (sharepoint) and I want that only user from a folder in active directory (for example guestadmin) see the navigation log.

Here is my master site:

<div class="cssmenu" id='cssmenu'>
                       <li class='active'><a href='UserList.aspx'><span>Benutzer</span></a></li>    
                        <% if (true)
                          { %>    
                          <li><a href='log.aspx'><span>Aufzeichnung</span></a></li>               

                       <% } %>                 
                       <li ><a href='help.aspx'><span>Hilfe</span></a></li>

If the authen.. user is in this ad folder than I want to get true else false.


Take a look at the Role Provider . There are a few implementations, including WindowsTokenRoleProvider .

Here are the basic web.config/system.web settings:

<authentication mode="Windows" />

  <allow roles="BUILTIN\Administrators" />
    <deny users="*" />

<roleManager defaultProvider="WindowsProvider" 
      type="System.Web.Security.WindowsTokenRoleProvider" />

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