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Generics and subtyping

Create a class with a generic type T . A subclass of the class that defines a second type parameter, called V . Call the methods from both classes using the object. Create 2 objects with different objects

This is the question.

This is not homework if anyone might think. I am doing some java papers for practice. I don't understand how to "create 2 objects with different objects". Can anyone help?

class Gen<T> 
  T obj;
  Gen(T ob)
    obj = ob;

 T getobj()
    return obj;

class Gen2<T, V> extends Gen<T>
  V obj1;
  Gen2(T ob,V ob1)
    obj1 = ob1;

 V getobj1()
    return obj1;


public class Ch2Lu4Ex3 
  public static void main(String args[]) 
      Gen2<String,String> g = new Gen2<String,String>("robin","raj");        


The last part of the question:

Create 2 objects with different objects

Gen2<Integer,String> inst = new Gen2<Integer,String>(1, "robin");  

Well, you could do things like:

Gen<Integer> gen1 = new Gen<Integer>(10);
Gen2<Integer> gen2 = new Gen2<Integer,String>(10,"Hello");

Or you could combine them since they are on the same hierarchy.

Gen<Integer> gen1 = new Gen2<Integer,String>(10,"Hello");

Are you asking for something like:

Gen2<String,String> g = new Gen2<String,String>("robin","raj");
Gen2<Integer,Integer> h = new Gen2<Integer,Integer>(1, 2);  

Or am I misunderstanding your question?

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