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ORACLE SQL Query Table using criteria from other table

TABLEA contains the data, while TABLEB contains the search criteria

Here is a SQL Fiddle with the data

  1. Tables

     TABLEA visited_states_time AL= Alabama,2, AK=Alaska,5 AR=Arkansas,6 AZ=Arizona,10 CA=California, 10,CT=Connecticut,20 TABLEB CRITERIA AL HI CA CT AK 
  2. Desired Result

     visited_states ................................... total_time_spent AL= Alabama, AK=Alaska ............................ 7 CA=California, CT=Connecticut................... 30 

That's a terrible data model. also you didn't say the condition for tableb . if any state matches, or if all?

as we need to split the rows up (to sum()) and then recombine them you can use:

SQL> with v as (select rownum r,
  2                    ','||visited_states_time||',' visited_states_time,
  3                    length(
  4                      regexp_replace(visited_states_time, '[^,]', '')
  5                    )+1 fields
  6               from tablea)
  7  select trim(both ',' from visited_states_time) visited_states_time,
  8         sum(total_time_spent) total_time_spent
  9    from (select *
 10            from v
 11                 model
 12                 partition by (r)
 13                 dimension by (0 as f)
 14                 measures (visited_states_time, cast('' as varchar2(2)) state,
 15                           0 as total_time_spent, fields)
 16                 rules (
 17                   state[for f from 0 to fields[0]-1  increment 2]
 18                     = trim(
 19                        substr(visited_states_time[0],
 20                               instr(visited_states_time[0], ',', 1, cv(f)+1)+1,
 21                               instr(visited_states_time[0], '=', 1, (cv(f)/2)+1)
 22                               - instr(visited_states_time[0], ',', 1,  cv(f)+1)-1
 23                              )),
 24                   visited_states_time[any]= visited_states_time[0],
 25                   total_time_spent[any]
 26                      = substr(visited_states_time[0],
 27                               instr(visited_states_time[0], ',', 1, (cv(f)+2))+1,
 28                               instr(visited_states_time[0], ',', 1,  (cv(f)+3))
 29                               - instr(visited_states_time[0], ',', 1,  (cv(f)+2))-1
 30                             )
 31                 ))
 32   where state in (select criteria from tableb)
 33   group by visited_states_time;

------------------------------------- ----------------
CA=California, 10,CT=Connecticut,20                 30
AL=Alabama,2, AK=Alaska,5                            7

but seriously, rewrite that data model to store them separately to start with.

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