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Web mobile reliable height

Does anybody knows how can I get the exact client height on a mobile device using JavaScript? I need to have the visible height (all page height except the keyboard (if displayed) and the address bar (if visible)). I tried with window.innerHieght and document.documentElement.clientHeight but the returned values are not always reliable. On iOS and Android, randomically when loading the page and showing/hideing the keyboard, the height is the height without the keyboard even if the keyboard is not visible.

Seems you can get answer from here: How to calculate height of viewable area (ie, window height minus address & bookmark bars) in mobile Safari for web app?

For example on ios7 safari:

  • window.innerHieght is 529px which is the viewport height

  • screen.availHeight is 548px which is the window.innerHeight plus address height

  • screen.height is 568px which is the screen.availHeight plus status bar

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