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Retrieving data from database #2

I have the below command to Insert(Name,Family,Address) value in my Table ( ID,Name,Family,Address) I'm using Data Set and Data Adapter

 stdDataSetTableAdapters.studentTableAdapter da = new stdDataSetTableAdapters.studentTableAdapter();
 da.InsertCard("Albert", "Alexis","No4.London");

It work and it add the new row of data in my database : but here is a problem after inserting i want to Display something like that : the ID(primary key ) and one Message.

Display(ID +"Record Successfully Added ")

how i can populate ID of added record in my Display?

PS: i'm using Sql Ce and queries i'm using Adapter to generate them and call them

Take a look at this example

INSERT INTO Employee (EmpName,Emp_level,Emp_Sal) VALUES ('Chris', 25B, 54000);

SELECT Emp_id FROM jobs Employee Emp_id = @@IDENTITY;

for More info see this Identity(SQl Authority)

and this Identity(MSDN))

as an alternative solution to Identity one could use MAX() as well a simple syntax would be like SELECT MAX(Emp_id) FROM Employee ; Hope this Helps

please try the following Queries it may help you,

SELECT Top1 Emp_id FROM jobs Employee Emp_id = @@IDENTITY; 

SELECT Max Emp_id FROM jobs Employee Emp_id = @@IDENTITY; 

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