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My webpage stops loading when reaching a php tag in javascript

I have a problem with a website which I never had before on other sites, it's probably something simple, but can't seem to get it. Please see and advise.

<!--All Header Elements-->
$pageName = "Easy-Quote";
$siteName = "Bloemendal";
?> <?php error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ?>
<!--All Header Elements-->
<script type="text/javascript">

var total = 0;

var allVenues = "";
var allVenuePricing = "";
var allTents = "";
var allTentPricing = "";
var allDFPricing = "";
var allMenus = "";
var allMenuPricing = "";
var allSF = "";

var venueName = "";
var venuePrice = 0;
var tentName = "";
var tentPrice = 0;
var DF = "";
var DFPrice = 0;
var menuName = "";
var menuPrice = 0;
var serviceFee = 0;

var getGuests = null;
var totalField = null;
var venueField = null;
var tentField = null;
var DFField = null;
var menuField = null;

//Get Fields
function getFields()
     getGuests = document.getElementById('Guests');
     totalField = document.getElementById('TotalField');
     depositField = document.getElementById('DepositField');
     venueField = document.getElementById('getValue');
     tentField = document.getElementById('getTent');
     DFField = document.getElementById('getDF');
     menuField = document.getElementById('getMenu');
     serviceField = document.getElementById('getServiceCharge');

function convertAllArrays()

    //##################Declaring All Arrays###########################\\
        echo "allVenues = ". json_encode($allVenues) . ";\n"; //All the Venue Names
        echo "allVenuePricing = ". json_encode($allVenuePricing) . ";\n"; //All the Venue Pricing
        echo "allTents = ". json_encode($allTents) . ";\n"; //All the Tent Names
        echo "allTentPricing = ". json_encode($allTentPricing) . ";\n"; //All the Tent Pricing 
        echo "allDFPricing = ". json_encode($allDFPricing) . ";\n"; //All the Dance Floors
        echo "allMenus = ". json_encode($allMenus) . ";\n"; //All the Menu Names
        echo "allMenuPricing = ". json_encode($allMenuPricing) . ";\n"; //All the Menu Pricing
        echo "allSF = ". json_encode($allSF) . ";\n"; //All the Service Fees

function activeControl()

    //Check Venue Field
    if(getGuests.value > 0)
        venueField.disabled = false;
        venueField.options[0].selected = true;
        venuePrice = 0;
        venueName = "";
        venueField.disabled = true; 

    //Check Tent Field
    if(venueField.selectedIndex == 1)
        tentField.disabled = false;
        tentPrice = 0;
        tentName = "";
        tentField.options[1].selected = true;
        tentField.disabled = true;

    //Check Menu Field
    if(venueField.selectedIndex > 0)
        menuField.disabled = false;
        menuPrice = 0;
        menuName = "";
        menuField.options[0].selected = true;
        menuField.disabled = true;  

    //Check Dance Floor Field
    if(venueField.selectedIndex == 1)
        DFField.disabled = false;
        DFField.checked = false;
        DF = "No";
        DFPrice = 0;
        DFField.disabled = true;    



function updateTotal()

    //Get Venue Details 
    var getSelectedVenue = venueField.selectedIndex;
    if(getSelectedVenue > 0)
        venueName = allVenues[getSelectedVenue];
        venuePrice = allVenuePricing[getSelectedVenue]

    //Get Tent Details  
    var getSelectedTent = tentField.selectedIndex;
    if(getSelectedTent > 1)
        tentName = allTents[getSelectedTent-1];
        tentPrice = allTentPricing[getSelectedTent-1]
    }else if(getSelectedTent == 1)
        tentName = "";
        tentPrice = 0;

    //Get DF Details    
        DF = "Yes";
        DFPrice = allDFPricing[1];
        DF = "No";
        DFPrice = 0;

    //Get Menu Details  
    var getSelectedMenu = menuField.selectedIndex;
    if(getSelectedMenu > 0)
        menuName = allMenus[getSelectedMenu];
        menuPrice = allMenuPricing[getSelectedMenu]

    //Get Service Fee Details   
    var getSelectedSF =serviceField.selectedIndex;
    if(getSelectedSF > 0)
        serviceFee = allSF[getSelectedSF];

    venuePrice = parseFloat(venuePrice,10);
    tentPrice = parseFloat(tentPrice,10);
    DFPrice = parseFloat(DFPrice,10);
    menuPrice = parseFloat(menuPrice,10);
    serviceFee = parseFloat(serviceFee,10);

    //Update Total Field
    total = venuePrice + tentPrice +DFPrice + (menuPrice*getGuests.value);
    total = total + (total*serviceFee);
    totalField.value = "R"+total;

    //Update Deposit Fee
    depositField.value = "R"+(total*0.3);

<!--Global Elements-->

That is the first 196 lines of the site. Offline it loads, but when uploaded to the webserver, it only uploads up to:

function convertAllArrays()

PS: I know that calling php variables in javascript is not ideal, but it should suffice for my purpose.

Website Link: http://bloemendal.co.za/Easy-Quote/

The first few line of code in the function12.inc include. the getVenues() etc functions are declared in this include:

function getVenues()
                $cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$passwd,$dbname);
                $query = "SELECT VenueName FROM venues WHERE ID < 5";
                $results = mysqli_query($cxn, $query) or die ("Could't execute query");

      $allVenues= array();

        $counter = 1;
        while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results))
              extract ($row);
              $allVenues[$counter] = "$VenueName";
    return $allVenues;

function getVenuePricing()
                $cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$passwd,$dbname);
                $query = "SELECT Price FROM venues WHERE ID < 5";
                $results = mysqli_query($cxn, $query) or die ("Could't execute query");

      $allVenuePricing= array();

        $counter = 1;
        while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results))
              extract ($row);
              $allVenuePricing[$counter] = "$Price";
    return $allVenuePricing;

When you have php in a script and the php throws an error the error prints in the script tag, so it's not going to show up on your browser. Chances are there's a problem with the php inside your javascript. Move the php outside the script tag to make sure that it runs without error.

your code


you can't assing a value to a php variable as a return of a JavaScript function

When the PHP interpreter read your code and build up the web page to be served take the value of $allVenues and put it into the page. Let say that variable is null : your line of code, served to the browser will be


the function


doesn't exists (as far as I know)

there is a


no my-sql-improved

(but is deprecated)

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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