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How to know the one selected row in the tabs containing the datagridview

I have a project with a form with 3 tabs, each contains 1 datagridview. I disabled multiselect and can only select a row.

I need to Add new data rows or Modify rows of datas from these three datagrids, so I have a MenuStrip on top of the window with a menu with a "Add", "Modify" and "Delete Selected Row" options.

How do I know which row is currently being selected in the current selected tab containing the datagrid which contains that row? Because there are 3 tabs containing 3 datagrids. I don't want to get the output saying there are 3 datagridviews selected with whatever row was selecting. I want the one row on my screen.

Please ask me if my question isn't clear enough.

I'm assuming that this question is about WinForms . Below there's a schematic code logic sample for clicking a ToolStripMenuItem named Show selected row belonging to a MenuStrip on the form. Just adapt the method logic to your Modify and Delete buttons click events.

public Form1()

    dataGridView1.DataSource = new[] { new { Id = 1 }, new { Id = 10 } };
    dataGridView2.DataSource = new[] { new { Id = 2 }, new { Id = 20 } };
    dataGridView3.DataSource = new[] { new { Id = 3 }, new { Id = 30 } };

private void showSelectedRowToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var dgv = tabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.OfType<DataGridView>().FirstOrDefault();
    if(dgv != null)
        if (dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
            // I'm using MessageBox to show the index of the row. 
            // You should add your Modify / Delete logic

For the .NET Framework 2.0, you can find the selected tab's first DataGridView control, if existing, like this:

DataGridView dgv = null;
for (int i = 0; i < tabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Count; i++)
    if (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls[i].GetType() == typeof(DataGridView))
        dgv = (DataGridView)tabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls[i];

Check on click
Suppose Tab Control is tabCtrlReports and Tab name is tbUser then check condition

 If (tabCtrlReports.SelectedTab.Name = "tbUser") Then
// your code of grid
End If

In C# just

if (tabCtrlReports.SelectedTab.Name = "tbUser") 
    // your code of grid

In your post back event(s), perhaps check which tab is selected (if statement, case statement) and then take a the specific action to modify your data and page accordingly.

If you want to call another VS generated post back function for the datagrid, you'll have to pass in your parameters correctly - I believe the source should be the row object from your datagrid.

Another option could be to modify your data, re-query, and bind the results to the appropriate grid (rather than trying to use grid events).

DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow();
if (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Name == "Name1") 
     row = dataGridView1.CurrentRow;
    if (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Name == "Name2") 
        row = dataGridView2.CurrentRow;
        row = dataGridView3.CurrentRow;

if (row != null)
    //your logic here

an approach which does not depend on datagridview's names:

   var rtb = ((DataGridView)tabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Cast<Control>()
                  .FirstOrDefault(x => x is DataGridView)).CurrentRow;

(a test to verify that the tabpage has a datagridview might be added )

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