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Reading from NetworkStream corrupts the buffer

When reading data from NetworkStream with ReadUntilClosedObservable1, the returned data is corrupted like some blocks of read data overlap.

However, when I read the data with ReadUntilClosedObservable2 the data arrives without problems.

I want to use the ReadUntilClosedObservable1 because repeatedly reading from stream in ReadUntilClosedObservable2 is burning the CPU.

How can I get the messages in sync order?


return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.Zero, interval, TaskPoolScheduler.Default)
                    .SelectMany(_ => readToEnd)
                    .Where(dataChunk => dataChunk.Length > 0);

I just noticed that readToEnd to is fired again and again before it finishes the previous job. Doesn't it need to be synchronized? If Observable.Timer is the problem how can I achieve the same effect without it, reading in intervals but starting without waiting?

public static IObservable<int> ReadObservable(this Stream stream, byte[] buffer
                                              ,int offset, int count)
    return stream.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count)

public static IObservable<byte[]> ReadObservable(this Stream stream,
                                                 int bufferSize)
    var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];

    return stream.ReadObservable(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
                    .Select(cbRead =>
                                    if (cbRead == 0)
                                        return new byte[0];

                                    if (cbRead == buffer.Length)
                                        return buffer;

                                    var dataChunk = new byte[cbRead];

                                    Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, dataChunk,
                                                     0, cbRead);

                                    return dataChunk;

public static IObservable<byte[]> ReadUntilClosedObservable1(this NetworkStream
                                     stream, int bufferSize, TimeSpan interval)
    var readToEnd = Observable.Defer(() => stream.ReadObservable(bufferSize))
                                .DoWhile(() => stream.DataAvailable)
                                .Select(dataChunks =>
                                        var buffer = new List<byte>();

                                        foreach (var dataChunk in dataChunks)

                                        return buffer.ToArray();

    return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.Zero, interval, TaskPoolScheduler.Default)
                        .SelectMany(_ => readToEnd)
                        .Where(dataChunk => dataChunk.Length > 0);

public static IObservable<byte[]> ReadUntilClosedObservable2(this Stream stream
                                                             ,int bufferSize)
    return Observable.Defer(() => stream.ReadObservable(bufferSize))
                        .Where(dataChunk => dataChunk.Length > 0);

Oh, no, no...don't do it like that...

Async + Rx is one of the more... non-intuitive setups to get working, but it is quite a bit simpler than what you're attempting. The key bits are three different Rx operators:

  • FromAsyncPattern : generates a " IObservable Factory" from an async call signature
  • Observable.Defer : allows you to use above IObservable factory to generate observables per subscriber
  • Observable.While : allows you to "Reinvoke until I say when" on an IObservable

(EDIT: altered to use a NetworkStream example)

(doubleEDIT: altered based on comments)

Try this - unless I miss my guess, it's more or less what you're trying for:

void Main()
    // We'll feed this to listener
    var message = "Yo mamma said you like messages like this";

    var listenerTask = Task
        .StartNew(() => 
                var bufferSize = 1024;
                var localhost = new IPAddress(new byte[]{127,0,0,1});
                var listener = new TcpListener(localhost, 11201);
                var incomingClient = listener.AcceptTcpClient();
                var clientStream = incomingClient.GetStream();
                // our buffered reader
                var observer = clientStream.ReadObservable(bufferSize);
                var compareBuffer = observer
                    // Take while we're getting data and the client
                    // is still connected
                    .TakeWhile(returnBuffer => returnBuffer.Length > 0 && 
                    // In between read blocks, respond back to the client
                    // No need for fanciness here, just normal async writeback
                    .Do(returnBuffer => clientStream.BeginWrite(
                             ar => clientStream.EndWrite(ar), 
                    .SelectMany (returnBuffer => returnBuffer)
                     "Listener thinks it was told... {0}", 

    var clientTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(
        () => 
            var client = new TcpClient();
            client.Connect("localhost", 11201);
            var random = new Random();
            var outStream = client.GetStream();
            var bytesToSend = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);
            foreach(byte toSend in bytesToSend)
                // send a character over

                // Listener should parrot us...
                int goOn = outStream.ReadByte();
                if(goOn != toSend)
                        "Huh. Listener echoed wrong. I said: {0}, they said {1}", 
                Console.WriteLine("I said: {0}, they said {1}", toSend, goOn);

                // Take a little nap (simulate latency, etc)

    Task.WaitAll(listenerTask, clientTask);

public static class Ext
    public static IObservable<byte[]> ReadObservable(this Stream stream, int bufferSize)
        // to hold read data
        var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
        // Step 1: async signature => observable factory
        var asyncRead = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<byte[], int, int, int>(
        return Observable.While(
            // while there is data to be read
            () => stream.CanRead, 
            // iteratively invoke the observable factory, which will
            // "recreate" it such that it will start from the current
            // stream position - hence "0" for offset
            Observable.Defer(() => asyncRead(buffer, 0, bufferSize))
                .Select(readBytes => buffer.Take(readBytes).ToArray()));

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