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Can I alias columns from a cursor in SELECT statement in Oracle?

I am writing a client application that calls a stored procedure from an Oracle database via a select statement. The stored procedure returns a cursor. I need to define aliases for the columns returned by this cursor, and I need to do it within my select statement.

I cannot make any changes to the Oracle database. I cannot write any PLSQL. The only thing I can do with this database is query it.

Please advise.

Background: This stored procedure is one of many called inside an application framework. Currently, all calls return their results in XML format, using this syntax to do the conversion:

select XMLType.createXML(package_name.storedProcName('1', '2', '3')).getClobVal() as sresult  from dual;

However, this cursor contains two columns with the same name (specifically "NAME"). When this query is run in TOAD, the column automatically gets appended a "_1", however the XMLType results in illogical XML, like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

This is why I must alias the columns before they are converted to XMLType. I want the query output to contain no duplicate column names so that the XML can be like this instead (with no duplicate tags):

<?xml version="1.0"?>

i would go for a stylesheet for this.


SQL> select XMLType.createXML(foo()).transform(xmltype('<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
  2  <xsl:template match="/ROWSET/ROW/NAME[2]">
  3     <NAME_1>
  4             <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
  5     </NAME_1>
  6  </xsl:template>
  7  <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
  8     <xsl:copy>
  9             <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
 10     </xsl:copy>
 11  </xsl:template>
 12  </xsl:stylesheet>')) as sresult  from dual
 13  /


ie we replace the 2nd NAME occurrence ( /ROWSET/ROW/NAME[2] ) in the ROW element with NAME_1. everything else gets copied as-is.

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