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C# Sending SMTP using System.Threading

I have developed an application which primarily sends email messages uses SMTP. Sending messages one by one is fine, however I am looking to speed the process. I have created multiple instances of the SmtpClient as well as messages to avoid conflict among each other. Because of the separate instances, I assumed performing .Send() on multiple threads would work well. However, something with my Thread code alone is not working, because I can not send even one email on one thread using this code. I simply receive a vague "Failure sending mail" exception. I will post code that works, and the Thread that does not work. Could someone share what they believe may be the cause?

Note I am not currently looking to use the newer async capabilities but instead leveraging Thread

Working Declaration and Method Call:

var SMTP = new SmtpClient
        Host = txtBxSenderHost.Text,
        Port = 587,
        EnableSsl = true,
        DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
        UseDefaultCredentials = false,
        Credentials = new NetworkCredential(strSenderAddress, strSenderPassword)

using (var message = new MailMessage(senderAdrress, toAddress)
        Subject = strSubject,
        Body = strBody


NOT Working Thread declaration and Method Call:

var SMTP = new SmtpClient
        Host = txtBxSenderHost.Text,
        Port = 587,
        EnableSsl = true,
        DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
        UseDefaultCredentials = false,
        Credentials = new NetworkCredential(strSenderAddress, strSenderPassword)

using (var message = new MailMessage(senderAdrress, toAddress)
        Subject = strSubject,
        Body = strBody

        Thread T1 = new Thread(delegate() { SMTP.Send(message); } );


var SMTP = new SmtpClient
            Host = txtBxSenderHost.Text,
            Port = 587,
            EnableSsl = true,
            DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
            UseDefaultCredentials = false,
            Credentials = new NetworkCredential(strSenderAddress, strSenderPassword)

        Thread T1 = new Thread(delegate()
            using (var message = new MailMessage(senderAdrress, toAddress)
                Subject = strSubject,
                Body = strBody


You can do it even easier by defining everything beforehand and the just calling the new thread.

//define everything above

Thread t1 = new Thread(delegate()




Thats what I did and it makes life easier with those curly braces

Why not just use the Smtp.SendAsync method ?


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