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How does threading work in Mule 1.3?

I have a tcp endpoint which send messages to a java component that calls a stored procedure in db and do some processing on the result and return it to the same tcp. What I knew that every tcp request will be in it's own thread , but if the messages comes from the same connection does that mean i'll have only one thread , I need to configure mule to make the java component multi-threaded. The only thing I found is this : http://www.mulesoft.org/documentation/display/MULE3USER/Tuning+Performance#TuningPerformance-pooling and I can't understand it :D

In Mule 3, whose doc you've linked in your question, message receivers (ie inbound endpoints) typically have a dedicated work manager with a pool of threads assigned to process requests in parallel (the exception is the JMS connector which acts a little different).

So in your case, the TCP inbound endpoint will have, by default, 16 threads assigned to deal with incoming requests that hits the single open TCP socket.

No need to use pooled components.

EDIT: The question is about Mule 1.3, which is super old and has a very different threading model. In that case, each endpoint has a different thread pool.

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