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How do I control the address generated in address bar of browser after executing a servlet?

I have written, for practice, a simple webpage that will display to the user a drop down menu. The user will select a number and hit the Submit button.

After that, the servlet will be executed and will send back a list of even numbers.


Looking at the address in the address bar of the web browser, it is:


I want it to be http://localhost:8080/FindEvenOdd/Result

How do I do that ?
My DD looks like this:

<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"



my HTML:

        <title> List of Even/Odd Numbers </title>

        <form method="POST" action="FindEvenOdd">
            <select name="number" size="1">
                <option> <50
                <option> <100
                <option> <150
                <input type="SUBMIT">

What I tried

  • I changed the action="FindEvenOdd" to action="Result"
  • i changed the <url-pattern> to Result

  • I did the above two things simultaneously but got a 404.
    What do I do to get http://localhost:8080/FindEvenOdd/Result

    What you tried is almost correct. The url-pattern must be set to /Result .

    Some notes though:

    • always put your classes in a package. Not in the default package
    • generate valid HTML5. center is a tag that shouldn't be used for a long time, and your select box is invalid HTML.
    • Learn servlet 3.0 rather than servlet 2.4.


    In order to change URL, you need a redirect in the servlet.

    String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
    response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(contextPath + "/Result") );

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