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Has anyone used the tel: protocol in the Yii Framework?

The following code gets stripped down at runtime:


Assuming the home phone number is 999-555-1212 the output is displaying:


What happened to the:

<a href="tel:999-555-1212">999-555-1212</a>

Hi I thought this would be easy but I guess it's more work than I planned. Does anyone have any ideas?

OK for anyone interested, I tested the function in a few different places and it worked so I figured out it was implementation on my end.

I wanted to create tel: links inside CGridview with the following code:


and after scratching my head and digging and digging I found out the alternate 'type' called raw which worked magic in this situation. I just needed one item in that line changed as shown here:


For Yii 2.x CHtml() is deprecated.

Use Html(). Here what I use in a DetailView::widget() for a phone number to be called.

        ['attribute' => 'CW_phone',
            'format' => 'raw',
            'value' => Html::a($model->CW_phone,"tel:".$model->CW_phone),

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