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Can core php mysql function be used in Yii Framework?

Can we use core PHP functions in Yii framework?

Here, I have a core php function

function abc_function(){
$query=mysql_query("select emp_id, days from tmp_emp_work where comp_id='$comp_id' AND active=1");
if ($count) {
    $del_existing=mysql_query("DELETE from temp_t_balances where com_id='$comp_id'");
    while ($row) {
        $array=dis_t_bal ($emp_id,$com_id);
        $insert_bal=mysql_query("INSERT into temp_t_bal values ('','$comp_id','$emp_id','$start_bal','$taken','$remain_bal','$booked','$true_bal')");

Is this possible? Thanks in advance

You have read all the comments about why you shouldn't do it. That's for you to evaluate.

However, the ability to submit queries directly are supported.

As an example

$sqlQuery = "SELECT employee_id, holidays
               FROM employee_work
              WHERE company_id='$company_id' AND emp_active=1';

$listEmployee = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sqlQuery)->queryAll();

foreach ($listEmployee as $itemEmployee){

Note that the above query is not safe, and can be subject to SQL injection. Yii offers a solution to upgrade the query to a safer format by using binding.

$listEmployee = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT employee_id, holidays
                                                 FROM employee_work
                                                WHERE company_id=:company_id
                                                  AND emp_active=1')

You also have access to the query() method for queries that do not return a resultset

Yii::app()->db->createCommand('DELETE * FROM customer')->query();

References : http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/database.dao

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