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How can i hide/disable my radio button once one is selected

I want to disable or hide the radio button once one has been selected - this is so that the user can t price compare as the radio button is linked to the price and shows the price once the radio button is checked. I am using knockout.js to link the selected radio button and display the price. And have found a way on jquery to hide the not selected radio buttons but I am having trouble merging the two together.

Please see the code below:

<div class="stepTwo">
    <div class="middleTitle">
    <div data-bind="with: bin2ViewModel">
        <div class="divRadiobtns" data-bind="foreach: availableGroups">
            <input type="radio" id="makeOpacityHide" class="radioOptions" name="retailerGroup"
                data-bind="checked: $parent.selectedGroupOption, value: retailerproductId" /><span
                    class="radioOptionsA" data-bind="css: { 'radioOptionsA-checked': $parent.selectedGroupOption()==retailerproductId() }">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
        <div data-bind="with: selectedRetailerGroup">
            <span class="actualPrice" data-bind="text: price" />
        <div data-bind="with: selectedRetailerGroup">
            <input type="hidden" name="retailerProductId" id="retailerProductId" class="retailerProductId"
                data-bind="value: retailerproductId" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $("input[name$='retailerGroup']").click(function () {
            var test = $(this).val();



    var Bin2ViewModel = function () {
        var self = this;
        this.selectedRetailerGroup = ko.observable();
        this.selectedGroupOption = ko.observable();
        this.selectedGroupOption.subscribe(function (newVal) {
            var items = $.grep(self.availableGroups(), function (item) { return item.retailerproductId() == newVal; });
        this.selectedGroup = ko.observable();
        this.availableGroups = ko.observableArray(
            [new RetailerViewModel("21290", "£1.80"),
                new RetailerViewModel("302852", "£2.55"),
                new RetailerViewModel("422974", "£2.55")

    var RetailerViewModel = function (retailerproductId, price) {
        this.retailerproductId = ko.observable(retailerproductId);
        this.price = ko.observable(price);
    ko.applyBindings({ bin2ViewModel: ko.observable(new Bin2ViewModel()) });

Does anyone know a way of making them work toether or is there a good way to hide the radio buttons in knockout?


I have also attached the jquery in a jsfiddle - this shows what i want as the selected radio button class name changes and so should not hide:



If you want to have a pure Kncokout solution you can achieve the same effect with the help of the enable binding :

So you want to enable the button when none of them selected which translates the following binding:

data-bind="enable: !$parent.selectedGroupOption()"

So the full sample with your code:

<input type="radio" id="makeOpacityHide" 
       class="radioOptions" name="retailerGroup"
       data-bind="checked: $parent.selectedGroupOption, 
                  value: retailerproductId, 
                  enable: !$parent.selectedGroupOption()" />

Demo JSFiddle .

Try this. You can change the css attrib "disabled" to = "disabled":

        'disabled', 'disabled'

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