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Sql Injection: is this code safe?

I have an API server, and I need to put all get data into data base

i use this code after connect to database:

foreach ($_GET as $key => $value)
$_GET[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);

Is my code safe?

No, your code is not safe! Because we do not see how you put your data into your query - that's the most important thing.

You can do so many things wrong, like this:

$sql = "INSERT INTO {$_GET[table]} ({$_GET[column]}) VALUES ('{$_GET[value]}')";

Only the last value is securely escaped, the first two are not!

Also, mysql_real_escape_string() evaluates the encoding setting of an ongoing database connection. Have you connected to the database before? Have you set the encoding?

Last: Do not escape stuff before you really need to. Premature escaping leads to all kind of problems because the pre-escaped data might be used for something else at the same time.

At the moment it is. But note, all mysql_ functions are deprecated and will be removed from PHP and won't be supported anymore. Which present it's own security hazards.

Consider using


More info


Please read red block and note security comment about default charsets. Applies to both functions.

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