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django login decorator and user redirect issues

This is what i need done. I have a button called sell. If the user is logged in then it goes through its normal steps and allows for the user to sell. If the user is not logged in I need to redirect to the login page and after the user logs in, redirect down the normal steps a logged in user takes which ia url with the users username and sell like this "username/sell".

This was the view that worked fine as a authenticated user

def UserSell(request,username):

    if request.method=='POST':
          if gigform.is_valid():
        #need to change this, shouldnt allow any size image to be uploaded
        #commit=False doesnt save to database so that I can add the current user to the gig
        return HttpResponseRedirect('done')

return render_to_response('sell.html',{'theuser':theuser,'thegigform':gigform},context_instance=context)

here is the urls

url(r'^(?P<username>\w+)/sell$','gigs.views.UserSell', name='sell'),

then template

<a href="{% url sell user.username %}"><button type="button">Start Selling!</button></a>

Now this worked great as i was a logged in user, then when i tried it on another browser as an anonymous user i quickly saw that an anonymous user doesn't have a username so i changed the view, url, and template to use just user. Then that worked fine until trying to login after the decorator redirected to the login page. The {{next}} url after login is the absolute path which is 'user/sell'. The problem with that is that using the updated view which uses user instead of username it redirects to "AnonymousUser/sell". I think its a issue with my view but can someone please help. I need the redirect after login to be "user/sell" as in the recently logged in user.

I think you don't have to required username because when the person login, the system can now access their username.

def UserSell(request):

    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('app_name:login'))
        return render_to_response('sell.html',{'theuser':request.user,'thegigform':gigform},context_instance=context)

If you want to show the user just put "request.user" or "request.user.username"

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