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Encapsulation in OOP

I am studying about OOP concepts. As I understood from the documents I have read, I wrote an example program for encapsulation concept in OOP. I pasted my code below. Is my concept about encapsulation is correct ?.


<asp:Button ID="showBtn" Text="Show employee details." runat="server"/>


public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
Employee emp;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    emp = new Employee();
    emp.EmployeeName = "Rob";
    emp.EmployeeAge = 26;

    showBtn.Click += new EventHandler(showBtn_Click);

void showBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Class Employee

class Employee
private int empId;
private int empSalary;
private string empName;
private int empAge;

public void SetEmployeeID(int id)
    empId = id; //Mutator

public void SetEmployeeSalary(int sal)
    empSalary = sal;  //Mutator

public int GetEmployeeID()
    return empId;  //Accessor

public int GetEmployeeSalary()
    return empSalary;  //Accessor

public string EmployeeName
    get { return empName; }   //Accessor
    set { empName = value; }  //Mutator

public int EmployeeAge
    get { return empAge; }  //Accessor
    set { empAge = value; } //Mutator

private void ShowDetails()
    HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(this.GetEmployeeID() + " : " + this.EmployeeName + " : " + this.EmployeeAge + " : " + this.GetEmployeeSalary());

public void ShowEmployeeDetails()

My main doubt is about the way I called the ShowDetails() method in the Employee. Is this a good way to hide the method ShowDetails() ?.

From an OO perspective, your ShowDetails method is doing two very different things.

  • Creating a string that represents the object
  • Outputting the string to the HttpResponse.

Now The first task does belong to the class Employee, you need to know what an employee is to be able to create a string that is representative of the object. In fact in .net this is such a common thing, there is in fact a "overridable" or "virtual" function called Object.ToString().

The second task has absolutely nothing to do with the class Employee, and A LOT to do with strings and HttpResponses (and in this case how we get the HttpResponse, which is to get it from the HttpContext, which means we MUST be on a webserver in a HttpRequest). With all these assumptions, it is extremely unsafe in an all purpose "data" or "domain" class.

This is how I would refactor this.

class Employee
    private int empId;
    private int empSalary;
    private string empName;
    private int empAge;

    public void SetEmployeeID(int id)
        empId = id; //Mutator

    public void SetEmployeeSalary(int sal)
        empSalary = sal;  //Mutator

    public int GetEmployeeID()
        return empId;  //Accessor

    public int GetEmployeeSalary()
        return empSalary;  //Accessor

    public string EmployeeName
        get { return empName; }   //Accessor
        set { empName = value; }  //Mutator

    public int EmployeeAge
        get { return empAge; }  //Accessor
        set { empAge = value; } //Mutator

    public override string ToString()
        return this.GetEmployeeID() + " : " + 
            this.EmployeeName + " : " + 
            this.EmployeeAge + " : " + 



public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    Employee emp;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        emp = new Employee();
        emp.EmployeeName = "Rob";
        emp.EmployeeAge = 26;

        showBtn.Click += new EventHandler(showBtn_Click);

    void showBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Since we KNOW for sure that there is a valid HttpContext.Current inside the webpage. Thus Employees don't need to know about the internet, and would equally be able to work on a WinForm application.

I think your main doubt is a good one. Your employee object is taking on responsibilities that it probably shouldn't own, like writing to an HttpContext. If this output string is common, you might override the ToString operator found in .NET, remove ShowDetails, and add this on your button click:


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