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How to link crypto shared library in Android JNI

I am writing a wrapper to use some functions of crypto. I build crypto lib from openssl-android with Android-NDK. Now i have the libcrypto.so that i need, but i don´t know how to link it with my wrapper.

My project tree is like this

(proj root)
|->(src)-> com.package
|->(src)-> com.package->NativeCipher.java


public class NativeCipher {
    static {

     public static native byte[] AESEncrypt(byte[] in, byte[] key);


#include <string.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <aes.h>

jbyteArray Java_com_package_NativeCipher_AESEncrypt(JNIEnv* env, jobject this, jbyteArray in, jbyteArray key)
    // All my code here

I need to use the functions of #include that crypto provides. However, i don't know what to do with the .so files that NDK generates and how to make the Android.mk file to build.

Thanks in advance, i tried to be as specific as posible.

Native libraries go to the libs/armeabi or libs/armeabi-v7a of your Android project. You might want to rename the OpenSSL library though, because the system already has a libcrypto.so . As for your own JNI wrapper, just take the shared library sample from the NDK and modify to use your own files.

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