cost 259 ms
unbless implementation in Perl?

As many Perl developers know, unbless is used to remove the blessing from objects. I am trying to understand how does it internally work by investigat ...

2015-08-15 20:10:17   2   163    perl / bless  
How to use Bless Operator in Perl?

can anyone please explain the importance and how to use bless in perl. I have read many threads on stack overflow on bless but they are not clear. ...

2013-06-20 11:35:59   3   3017    perl / bless  
Damn it, Perl can't bless my object

Puns aside, I'm trying to implement an import method in my Perl class to instantiate a Data object, which is essentially a glorified array of hashrefs ...

2011-09-11 09:49:26   1   3334    perl / bless  
How can I bless a string in Perl?

I am trying to bless a string variable -- demonstrated in the code below. Bless only seems to work when I use a hash or array. Are you allowed to bles ...

2011-03-31 08:52:56   1   624    perl / bless  

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