cost 270 ms
Coypu using InternetExplorerOptions

I've been developing automation using Selenium and InternetExplorerDriver for a while. I want to move to Coypu and I'm trying to convert my code. In S ...

2018-09-12 16:19:33   1   43    coypu  
Find the hidden checkboxes in Coypu

I'm try to create test for my Bootstrap project. I'm use Coypu. But I ran into a some problem. I can't check my check-boxes. The problem is that I cha ...

2015-12-09 11:41:50   1   311    coypu  
Coypu freezing application

I'm trying a very simple code using Coypu but my app just freezes without any exceptions. I've setup a new C# project and installed Coypu using nuge ...

Coypu screenshot

On the end of a Scenario, I want to take a picture if it has failed. The following code does not work: I think this may be due to the fact that I s ...

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