cost 359 ms
Theano: mixing CPU and GPU?

I built a neural network which needs to use the Cholesky decomposition and solve triangular systems as part of its computation. This means that I also ...

clarify some things about culasparse

Checking this example (API example at the end), I want to ask a few questions. 1) In the example we are supplying matrix a with non zero elements.Wha ...

2014-02-26 11:36:24   1   46    cuda / cula  
culagesvd() in CULA

I want to use the culadgesvd() function to compute SVD for a matrix. It is not clear for me how to actually use it in C/C++ with the info in the docum ...

2013-07-31 07:12:44   1   469    c / svd / cula  

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