cost 499 ms
Parse cXML file

As a response I am getting the below cXML, and its not getting parse if I am using XSLT. I am getting below error, can you suggest me how we can pa ...

cXML request - unknown attributes

I received one document from the supplier that describes how I can send the cXML request to purchase orders from their website. They send me an exampl ...

2020-06-01 12:20:11   1   53    xml / cxml  
Punchout catalogue with nodes

I need to create an punchout enabled catalogue. The end result should be following: Customer should be able to see my site as a supplier in Ariba ...

Posting CXML back to PunchOut PHP

I am trying to integrate a PunchOut system with a PHP website. I am able to read CXML responses from PunchOut, but I am unable to post CXML data back ...

Ariba Response For Setup Request

I have a question about ariba punchoutSetupRequest. My API response like this: However, Ariba call my api and response like this to me. Anyone c ...

2017-07-28 08:24:54   2   810    cxml  

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