cost 293 ms
Executable stack: flags

I am doing a return2libc attack on my Ubuntu 18.04, X86_64 machine. For this, i compiled a simple C program with -z execstack to disable the executa ...

Dep init fails even when package exists

I am trying to package a go application using dep and when doing dep init the below error occours. I have installed the amcl library from here - http ...

2018-09-11 06:27:03   1   186    go / dep  
Go Dep - sync Gopkg.toml with vendor

Is there a way to create or sync Gokpkg.toml with the packages that i import in my .go files? If my Gopkg.toml is empty and I run dep ensure, it would ...

2018-08-09 03:11:14   1   1216    go / dep  

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