cost 347 ms
Intake: catalogue level parameters

I am reading about "parameters" here and wondering whether I can define catalogue level parameters that I can later use in the definition of the catal ...

How to open a json file with Intake?

I'm trying to use intake to create a data catalogue for a JSON file. #197 mentions "Essentially, you need to provide the reader function json.loads, i ...

2020-12-03 17:59:08   1   43    intake  
data persistence to original data source

Can anybody tell me about below use case is make sense and applicable to intake software component. We like to use intake to build an abstraction lay ...

2020-04-17 02:50:25   1   18    intake  
Data source on GCP BigQuery

I tried to look for any existing intake components such as Driver, Plugin that can support GCP BigQuery. Given that if it cannot support, please advis ...

2020-04-15 11:44:23   1   24    intake  

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