cost 476 ms
LPeg how to match an odd integer?

R"09"^0 * S"13579" does not work because R"09"^0 will consume all digits and S"13579" will have nothing to match. ...

2022-06-09 07:45:47   1   17    lpeg  
Lpeg “empty loop in rule” error

Can anyone provide a clear explanation and some simple examples that show this error, apparently related to match-time capture (Cmt) ? I don't unders ...

2016-06-18 03:59:36   1   265    lua / lpeg  
Lua word search

How would I go about doing a multiple pattern search in Lua? (I have Lpeg set up). For example, say I'm receiving strings in a row, I'm processing o ...

Lua lunadry error

I've been using lunadry to reformat my code for me, but I've run into errors, namely, this happens when I try it: Now I've gone through a large chu ...

How to do lookahead properly with LPeg

To match a string starting with dog, followed by cat(but not consuming cat), this works: Output: dog To match a string starting with dog, followed ...

2014-11-19 05:10:17   1   241    lua / lpeg  
Creating a recursive LPeg pattern

In a normal PEG (parsing expression grammar) this is a valid grammar: values <- number (comma values)* number <- [0-9]+ comma <- ',' Howe ...

2014-10-01 20:15:51   2   588    lua / peg / lpeg  

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