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Raspberry Pi OpenVG C/C++

I have two question about OpenVG I'm going to plot a chart using OpenVG. I read documentation and I can't find how to write a single pixel (someth ...

Accessing VGImage Data

Using OpenVG 1.1 I am trying to dump a VGImage to a file to confirm things are working but I am unsure how to access the raw RGBA data of the VGImage. ...

Rotated text with OpenVG

I've noticed that the OpenVG transformation matrix is ignored by the text rendering routine at all and I cannot control the text position with it manu ...

2011-02-16 15:31:11   1   1106    openvg  
Does Intel Atom support OpenVG?

Some time ago, I read some rumors on hardware implementation of OpenVG in Intel Atoms of a "new ganeration". Now I cannot find any evidence. So, is th ...

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