cost 123 ms
Move Item's Qrect

Is there any way to move a qrect object from its current position, there are many functions ( moveTo, moveLeft, ....) , but all of them move the objec ...

QWidget framing

I understand that the co-ordinate system of a widget is local to the widget. 0,0 top left. I want to draw a frame in the widget, but using the QRect ...

QGraphicsRotation to QRectF?

I want to rotate QRectF in PyQT4 by given angle around bottom left corner. I know how to draw a rectangle but I'm stuck on how to rotate it. I tried w ...

How to draw an arc with Qt?

Consider the following diagram: I have information about the center point of both the lines, the angle in between, and the length of both the lines. ...

Cannot modify height value from QRect

The follow snippet results in my compilation yielding "error: passing 'const QRect' as 'this' argument of 'void QRect::setHeight(int)' discards qualif ...

2013-05-20 13:58:37   3   735    c++ / qt / qrect  
Qt Beginner QPainter and QRect

How would I go about drawing a rectangle? I have tried two different ways; Which works fine (even though the parameter is not named nor used), bu ...

QRect on a QGraphicsScene

This seems trivial, but I didn't found a solution. All I want to do is to set up a coordinate system a QGraphicsScene [-10, -10] to [10, 10] (f.e. wit ...

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