cost 214 ms
Unable to use Randoop testjar

I have a folder containing randoop-all-4.3.0.jar and project.jar. I want to test the entire jar as a whole using java -classpath randoop-all-4.3.0.jar ...

2022-03-16 11:23:50   1   74    java / randoop  
Randoop Time Limit

Is Randoop --time-limit for spending that time for generating tests for each class or for the entire project? For example if I set --time-limit = 180 ...

Randoop with Kotlin

Is there any way (other than migrating Kotlin code to Java with IntelliJ) to make Randoop work with Kotlin? If not is there any other "official" (well ...

Naming Randoop regression tests

I would like to have my regression tests generated by Randoop 4.2 to be named (Something), so I set the command line flag --regression ...

2019-09-04 17:50:58   1   25    randoop  

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