cost 204 ms
How to close a popup window in sahi?

' How to close a popup window in sahi ? { } I get the error WindowExists is not defined whereas I have already defined it at the start of the prog ...

2020-01-10 09:52:17   1   52    sahi  
Counting Elements in Sahi

The search of a particular query displays the it's results in the form of a elements contained inside a div. How can I count the number of search resu ...

2017-12-06 11:32:20   1   82    sahi  
Sahi scripting wait or time delay

I was wondering if someone could help me. I want to introduce a 10 minute wait or time delay within my sahi script. Can someone confirm the correct c ...

2017-08-02 18:58:29   4   451    sahi  
Sahi unable to run the for loop

I have been using a test tool call Sahi. So basically I transferred one of my file, Example.sah , from one computer to another computer. When I run i ...

Sahi: Set input field using jQuery

In sahi, I'd like to know if it's possible to set the value of a text field using jQuery? When I use the code below in the sahi controller, the field ...

2016-05-27 09:28:24   3   383    jquery / sahi  

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