cost 147 ms
Reload SCSF application

I am using SCSF to define a framework of a set of loosely coupled applications and services. The profilecatalog.xml file describes, which plugins shou ...

2013-03-14 07:57:08   1   124    c# / scsf  
SCSF Recipe Framework Error

I am experiencing a random issue with the SCSF 2010 guidance package when I try to add a View with Presenter in my VS2010 project. This also happens w ...

2012-06-27 08:57:42   2   707    c# / cab / scsf  
Using SCSF with visual studio 2010

I am now using SCSF 2008 April version with visual studio 2008. Now i want to convert my whole solution in visual studio 2010. So what should i do abp ...

2012-03-25 06:02:20   2   203    c# / scsf  
SCSF Services question

Quick question (and my last today about SCSF) about what Services are intended to be used for. Services exist within the WorkItem, so I assume they a ...

2011-09-21 13:45:13   1   93    scsf  

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