cost 302 ms
Mailbox get in SimGrid

I am studying mailboxes in simgrid looking at examples from the documentation, however when I try to compile the examples there are errors, mainly in ...

2021-05-16 18:09:28   1   27    c++ / simgrid  
I can't compile SimGrid - S4U

How to compile a C ++ simulation in SimGrid? I am using Ubuntu, following the installation steps in the documentation but when I try to test some exam ...

Spawning big amount of processes

I want to spawn big amount of process. So I have master process which does it. After I launch this program I have the following output: Then I ...

2016-11-21 14:33:14   1   62    simgrid  
Msg_file_get_data in SimGrid

I open file by SimGrid framework: It's OK: Then I want to set some data to this file. Firstly, I create typedef structure: Then I set data wi ...

2016-09-19 11:17:07   1   17    simgrid  
Delete pending task in SimGrid

I have process worker which launches executor. Executor is a process which creates a 10-sec task and executes it. But after 2 sec worker kills executo ...

2016-08-08 13:31:10   2   49    simgrid  
Parallel task in SimGrid

This info from simgrid documentation how to create parallel tasks: Which MSG_task_send function should be used for sending to multiple mailboxes af ...

2016-07-10 12:52:03   1   44    c / simgrid  
Multi-coring in SimGrid

In platform file there is parameter such as core: But this parameter doesn't affect the time of task executing. How it should be done that time of ...

2016-07-10 12:27:13   1   33    c / simgrid  

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