cost 64 ms
Webfocus report server issue

I am working in webfocus support and totally new to it.I need to know where we can see the list of data services agent running in administration Conso ...

2022-06-28 12:46:00   1   16    webfocus  
web focus %0 access denied error

Had anybody ran into the problem of "403:Access Denied" while trying to use wild card '%' in the text box of web focus for pattern matching? for examp ...

2018-07-26 19:07:45   1   62    php / webfocus  
Webfocus - HGETC vs. hard-coded date

I have this line of code: Its used to generate a report based on today's date. How can I revise this line so I can hard-code a date other than tod ...

2016-07-22 14:29:42   1   51    webfocus  
Creating WebFocus script with SQL

I am quite new to webfocus and don't know how to create WF script to genereate raport. I have to have options to select Template_name, Date, Campaign, ...

2016-02-22 08:46:39   1   931    sql / webfocus  
Union all in WebFocus-level

How to solve such problem in WebFocus Gives error message in a customer server "statement size or complexity exceed server limits". If i use such ...

2015-08-04 08:49:28   1   797    webfocus  

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