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[英]Lists, For Loops, Ranges, Indexes

def garden(seedList):
  flower = [2, 5, 12]
  flowers = []
  for each in range(len(seedList)):
    totalFlowers = flowers.append(seedList[each] * flower[each])
    x = sum(totalFlowers)
  return totalFlowers

我收到错误消息: The error was:iteration over non-sequence Inappropriate argument type. An attempt was made to call a function with a parameter of an invalid type. This means that you did something such as trying to pass a string to a method that is expecting an integer. The error was:iteration over non-sequence Inappropriate argument type. An attempt was made to call a function with a parameter of an invalid type. This means that you did something such as trying to pass a string to a method that is expecting an integer.


编写一个函数,根据给定每种花的种子数量,计算出花的总量。 seedList参数将包含您拥有的种子数量。 每粒种子都会产生一定数量的花。 一颗矮牵牛种子将产生2朵花,一颗雏菊种子将产生5朵花。 一朵玫瑰种子将产生12朵花。每种花的种子。 seedList参数将包含您拥有的种子数量。 您应该返回一个整数,其中包含您在花园中将要开花的总数。


totalFlowers = flowers.append(seedList[each] * flower[each])


x = sum(None)


def garden(seedList):
  flower = [2, 5, 12]
  flowers = []
  for each in range(len(seedList)):
      flowers.append(seedList[each] * flower[each])

  return sum(flowers)


def garden(seedList):
  flower = [2, 5, 12]
  totalFlowers = sum ( x*y for x,y in zip(flower, seedList) )
  return totalFlowers


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