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[英]Creating an image of a triangle centered at the centroid

对不起,因为我是编程新手。 基本上,我被分配给“分析”并生成一个三角形的图像,其中用户指定了两侧的长度以及它们之间的角度大小,程序运行并找到了第三侧以及两个侧面的长度其他角度(使用余弦定律)。 然后,我必须具有所有边长,所有角度尺寸(可选)的文本输出,并以乌龟的形式打印该区域,并在图像中打印出“这是您的三角形\\ n,它的区域为x正方形像素”也一样 同样,三角形的质心必须位于(0,0)。 这是我到目前为止的内容:

import math
from turtle import*

print("This program will draw a custom triangle.")
firstside=float(input("Enter length of first side (between 10 and 400 pixels): "))
secondside=float(input("Enter length of second side (between 10 and 400 pixels): "))
includedangle=float(input("Enter the measure of the included angle in degrees (between 1 and 179): "))

print("Side lengths and angle measures:\n")


cage=Screen(); #Create screen object named cage
cage.setup(500,500) #set screen size to 500x500 pixels


我真的为此感到挣扎。 一些帮助将不胜感激! 请帮忙! 谢谢!


我已将其完全分解为功能,并发表了大量评论; 它应该很容易理解。 希望有帮助!

import math
import turtle

def get_float(prompt):
    Prompt for input and return it as a floating-point number
    while True:
            return float(input(prompt))
        except ValueError:

def third_side(a, b, C):
    Given a triangle defined by two sides and
    the angle between them (in degrees),
    return the length of the third side
    return math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2 - 2. * a * b * math.cos(math.radians(C)))

def get_sides():
    Prompt for a triangle as two sides and an angle,
    calculate the length of the third side,
    and return the three side lengths
    side1 = get_float("Length of first side  (pixels, in 10..400)? ")
    side2 = get_float("Length of second side (pixels, in 10..400)? ")
    angle = get_float("Included angle (degrees, in 1..179)? ")
    return side1, side2, third_side(side1, side2, angle)

def get_angle(opp, left, right):
    Given three sides of a triangle,
    return the angle opposite the first side (in degrees)
    cos_opp = (left**2 + right**2 - opp**2) / (2. * left * right)
    return math.degrees(math.acos(cos_opp))

def get_angles(a, b, c):
    Given three sides of a triangle,
    return the three angles (in degrees)
    return get_angle(a, b, c), get_angle(b, c, a), get_angle(c, a, b)

def main():
    print("This program will draw a custom triangle.\n")
    side1, side2, side3    = get_sides()
    angle1, angle2, angle3 = get_angles(side1, side2, side3)

        "Sides and angles:\n"
        "a = {side1:>5.1f}    A = {angle1:>5.1f}\n"
        "b = {side2:>5.1f}    B = {angle2:>5.1f}\n"
        "c = {side3:>5.1f}    C = {angle3:>5.1f}\n"
            side1=side1,   side2=side2,   side3=side3,
            angle1=angle1, angle2=angle2, angle3=angle3

    # Your code continues here!

if __name__=="__main_":


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