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[英]Smith-Waterman algorithm to generate matrix in Python



def score(base1,base2):
    if base1 not in 'ACTG' or base2 not in 'ACTG':
        print 'Not DNA base!'
    elif base1==base2:
        return 3
    elif base1+base2=='AG' or base1+base2=='GA':
        return -1
    elif base1+base2=='CT' or base1+base2=='TC':
        return -1
        return -2
import sys

seq1 = sys.argv[1]
seq2 = sys.argv[2]
mRows = len(seq1)
nCols = len(seq2)
gap = int(sys.argv[3])
matrix = []

# generate empty matrix
for x in range(mRows + 1):
    for y in range(nCols + 1):

for i in range(1, mRows + 1): 
    for j in range(1, nCols + 1):
        dscore = matrix[i-1][j-1] + score(seq1[i-1], seq2[j-1])
        vscore = matrix[i-1][j] + gap
        hscore = matrix[i][j-1] + gap
        matrix[i][j]=max(0, vscore, hscore, dscore)

使用输入:sw.py ATGCAT ACCT -1


0       0       0       0       0
0       0       0       0       0
0       0       0       0       3
0       0       0       0       2
0       0       0       0       1
0       0       0       0       0
0       0       0       0       3


我的问题是为什么会这样?我该如何解决? 为什么for循环跳回去而不继续到可变分数?


for i in range(1, mRows + 1): 
    for j in range(1, nCols + 1):
        print 'this is i', i
        print 'this is j', j
        print 'seq1', seq1[i-1], 'seq2', seq2[j-1]
        dscore = matrix[i-1][j-1] + score(seq1[i-1], seq2[j-1])
        vscore = matrix[i-1][j] + gap
        hscore = matrix[i][j-1] + gap
        matrix[i][j]=max(0, vscore, hscore, dscore)
        print 'Vscore = ', vscore
        print 'Hscore = ', hscore
        print 'Dscore = ', dscore
        print '\n'


this is i 1
this is j 1
seq1 A seq2 A
this is i 1
this is j 2
seq1 A seq2 C
this is i 1
this is j 3
seq1 A seq2 C
this is i 1
this is j 4
seq1 A seq2 T
Vscore =  -1
Hscore =  -1
Dscore =  -2

this is i 2
this is j 1
seq1 T seq2 A
this is i 2
this is j 2
seq1 T seq2 C
this is i 2
this is j 3
seq1 T seq2 C
this is i 2
this is j 4
seq1 T seq2 T
Vscore =  -1
Hscore =  -1
Dscore =  3

this is i 3
this is j 1
seq1 G seq2 A
this is i 3
this is j 2
seq1 G seq2 C
this is i 3
this is j 3
seq1 G seq2 C
this is i 3
this is j 4
seq1 G seq2 T
Vscore =  2
Hscore =  -1
Dscore =  -2

this is i 4
this is j 1
seq1 C seq2 A
this is i 4
this is j 2
seq1 C seq2 C
this is i 4
this is j 3
seq1 C seq2 C
this is i 4
this is j 4
seq1 C seq2 T
Vscore =  1
Hscore =  -1
Dscore =  -1

this is i 5
this is j 1
seq1 A seq2 A
this is i 5
this is j 2
seq1 A seq2 C
this is i 5
this is j 3
seq1 A seq2 C
this is i 5
this is j 4
seq1 A seq2 T
Vscore =  0
Hscore =  -1
Dscore =  -2

this is i 6
this is j 1
seq1 T seq2 A
this is i 6
this is j 2
seq1 T seq2 C
this is i 6
this is j 3
seq1 T seq2 C
this is i 6
this is j 4
seq1 T seq2 T
Vscore =  -1
Hscore =  -1
Dscore =  3


我为Smith-Waterman算法编写了一个类,您可能会发现它很有用。 我建议为此任务使用numpy数组,因为它们通常比用于更大序列的列表更有效。

class LocalAligner(object):
def __init__(self, match=None, mismatch=None, gap=None, fileP=None, fileQ=None):
    #Default args
    #StringP = GCAGAGCACG
    #Match Score = +5, Mismatch Score = -4, Gap Penalty = -4
    if match is None and mismatch is None and gap is None and fileP is None and fileQ is None:
        self.q = "GCTGGAAGGCAT"
        self.stringQName = "Sequence Q"

        self.p = "GCAGAGCACG"
        self.stringPName = "Sequence P"

        #Scoring parameter
        self.gapPen = -4
        self.mismatchPen = -4
        self.matchScore = 5

    #User has given sequences and scoring arguments to the object
    elif match is not None and mismatch is not None and gap is not None and fileP is not None and fileQ is not None:
        #Default string name if one is not present in the file
        self.stringQName = "String Q"
        self.q = self.parseFile(fileQ, 1)

        #Default string name if one is not present in the file
        self.stringQName = "String P"
        self.p = self.parseFile(fileP, 2)

        #Scoring parameters given at the command line
        self.gapPen = int(gap)
        self.mismatchPen = int(mismatch)
        self.matchScore = int(match)

    #Final sequence alignments
    self.finalQ = ""
    self.finalP = ""

    #Create a table and initialize to zero
    #We will use numpy arrays as they are generally more efficient than lists for large amounts of data (ie sequences)
    self.MatrixA = np.empty(shape=[len(self.p)+1,len(self.q)+1])

    #Create b table
    self.MatrixB = np.empty(shape=[len(self.p)+1,len(self.q)+1])

    #Store max score and location
    self.maxScore = 0
    self.maxI = None
    self.maxJ =None

#Populates the A and B tables
#A table holds the scores and the B table holds the direction of the optimal solution for each sub problem
def calcTables(self):
    #insert initial blank string 1
        self.q = '-' + self.q
    except IOError:
        print("Error with sequence 1")

    #insert initial blank string 2
        self.p = '-' + self.p
    except IOError:
        print("Error with sequence 2")

    #Initialize row and column 0 for A and B tables
    self.MatrixA[:,0] = 0
    self.MatrixA[0,:] = 0
    self.MatrixB[:,0] = 0
    self.MatrixB[0,:] = 0

    for i in range(1,len(self.p)):
        for j in range(1, len(self.q)):

            #Look for match
            if self.p[i] == self.q[j]:
                #Match found
                self.MatrixA[i][j] = self.MatrixA[i-1][j-1] + self.matchScore
                #3 == "diagonal" for traversing solution
                self.MatrixB[i][j] = 3

                #Check for max score
                if self.MatrixA[i][j] > self.maxScore:
                    self.maxScore = self.MatrixA[i][j]
                    self.maxI = i
                    self.maxJ = j

            #Match not found
                self.MatrixA[i][j] = self.findMaxScore(i,j)

#Finds the maximum score either in the north or west neighbor in the A table
#Due to the ordering, gaps are checked first
def findMaxScore(self, i, j):

    #North score
    qDelet = self.MatrixA[i-1][j] + self.gapPen
    #West score
    pDelet = self.MatrixA[i][j-1] + self.gapPen
    #Diagonal Score
    mismatch = self.MatrixA[i-1][j-1] + self.mismatchPen

    #Determine the max score
    maxScore = max(qDelet, pDelet, mismatch)

    #Set B table
    if qDelet == maxScore:
        self.MatrixB[i][j] = 2 #2 == "up" for traversing solution

    elif pDelet == maxScore:
        self.MatrixB[i][j] = 1 #1 == "left" for traversing solution

    elif mismatch == maxScore:
        self.MatrixB[i][j] = 3 #3 == "diagonal" for traversing solution

    return maxScore

#Calculate the alignment with the highest score by tracing back the highest scoring local solution
#3 -> "DIAGONAL" -> match
#2 -> "UP" -> gap in string q
#1 -> "LEFT" -> gap in string p
#were used in the B table
def calcAlignemnt(self, i=None, j=None):

    #Default arguments to the maximum score in the A table
    if i is None and j is None:
        i = self.maxI
        j = self.maxJ

    #Base case, end of the local alignment
    if i == 0 or j == 0:

    #Optimal solution "DIAGONAL"
    if self.MatrixB[i][j] == 3:
        self.calcAlignemnt(i-1 , j-1)
        self.finalQ += self.q[j]
        self.finalP += self.p[i]

        #Optimal solution "UP"
        if self.MatrixB[i][j] == 2:
            self.calcAlignemnt(i-1, j)
            self.finalQ += '-'
            self.finalP += self.p[i]

            #Optimal solution "LEFT"
            self.calcAlignemnt(i, j-1)
            self.finalP += '-'
            self.finalQ += self.p[j]

#Parse the input sequence file for string
#Assumes fasta format
def parseFile(self, filePath, stringNumber):
    #Empty sequence
    seq = ""
    #Parse the file
    with open(filePath) as f:
        for line in f:
            #Remove new line characters
            line = line.replace('\r',"")   #Windows
            line = line.replace('\n', "")

            #Header encountered
            if line.startswith(">"):
                if stringNumber == 2:
                    self.stringQName = line.replace('>',"")
                elif stringNumber == 1:
                    self.stringPName = line.replace('>',"")

            #Append line
            seq += line
    return seq


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