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[英]Why does the c_score variable and p_score variable increase unstoppably when it should just increase by one in score?



import random 
import simplegui #graphic library

'''Following variables are all global variables
which are used in various capacities throughout the program. '''

message = "Welcome to Stone, Paper, Scissors"
c_message = "Computer is waiting for you to begin"
w_message = "The game hasn't begun yet"
number = 0
c_number = 0
c_score = 0
p_score = 0

'''First of the many helper functions, simulates computer
choice and prints relevant message in GUI window'''

def comp_choice():
   global c_number  #Calling global variable
   global c_message
   c_number = random.randrange(1,4) #'random' function
   if c_number == 1:
     c_message = "Computer chose Rock"
   elif c_number == 2:
     c_message = "Computer chose Paper"
   elif c_number == 3:
     c_message = "Computer chose scissors"
   return c_message
def score():
  global c_score
  global p_score
  global number
  global c_number
  difference = number - c_number
  if difference == -1 or difference == 2:
    c_score += 1
  elif difference == 1 or difference == -2:
    p_score += 1
  return str(p_score) + '      ' + str(c_score)

#Functions which code user choice buttons 
def rock():
  global message #calls for global variable
  global number
  number = 1
  message = "You chose Rock"
  '''This function call here is used to stimulate each
round, the one following this applies the logic
of the original game to determine and give results.'''

def paper():
  global number
  global message
  number = 2
  message = "You chose Paper"

def scissors():
  global number
  global message
  number = 3
  message = "You chose Scissors"

# Heart of the game
def game_logic():
  global number
  global c_number
  global w_message
  difference = number - c_number
  if difference == -1 or difference == 2:
     w_message = "Computer Wins!"
  elif difference == 1 or difference == -2:
     w_message = "Player Wins!"
     w_message = 'Player and Computer Tie'

def draw(canvas):
   canvas.draw_text("Player's choice: %s" % message, [0,100], 30, "Red")
   canvas.draw_text("Computer's choice: %s" % c_message, [0,125], 30, "Green")
   canvas.draw_text(w_message, [0,150], 30, "Black")
   canvas.draw_text(score(), [0,75], 30, "Black")

'''Following code registers buttons and their functions, it also creates the playing window.'''   
frame = simplegui.create_frame("Home", 700, 200)
button1 = frame.add_button( "Rock", rock, 100)
button2 = frame.add_button( "Paper", paper, 100)
button3 = frame.add_button("Scissors", scissors, 100)

问题不在于您的score功能 那“正确”地工作。 问题是您每次必须绘制GUI时都要调用score()

就像调用w_message一样,而不是调用score() game_logic()函数设置一个score字符串。

作为附带说明,您应该重新考虑您的代码结构。 使用global如果你应该只有真正被使用; 否则,您应该使用参数。


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