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[英]Excel-What is a cleaner way in Excel to copy over the data?

我正在尝试导入数据,其中项的数量每天都会更改,而我只需要运行宏即可将数据复制到工作簿中。 我目前拥有的作品。 我只是相信这不是最有效的方法。 我还希望能够在复制新数据之前清除工作表。

Sub Data()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Disables "Screen flashing" between 2 workbooks

    Dim colA As Integer, colAA As Integer
    Dim colB As Integer, colBB As Integer
    Dim colC As Integer, colCC As Integer
    Dim colD As Integer, colDD As Integer
    Dim colE As Integer, colEE As Integer
    Dim colF As Integer, colFF As Integer
    Dim colG As Integer, colGG As Integer
    Dim colH As Integer, colHH As Integer
    Dim colI As Integer, colII As Integer
    Dim colJ As Integer, colJJ As Integer
    Dim colK As Integer, colKK As Integer
    Dim colL As Integer, colLL As Integer
    Dim colM As Integer, colMM As Integer
    Dim colN As Integer, colNN As Integer
    Dim colO As Integer, colOO As Integer

    Dim rowA As Integer, rowAA As Integer
    Dim rowB As Integer, rowBB As Integer
    Dim rowC As Integer, rowCC As Integer
    Dim rowD As Integer, rowDD As Integer
    Dim rowE As Integer, rowEE As Integer
    Dim rowF As Integer, rowFF As Integer
    Dim rowG As Integer, rowGG As Integer
    Dim rowH As Integer, rowHH As Integer
    Dim rowI As Integer, rowII As Integer
    Dim rowJ As Integer, rowJJ As Integer
    Dim rowK As Integer, rowKK As Integer
    Dim rowL As Integer, rowLL As Integer
    Dim rowM As Integer, rowMM As Integer
    Dim rowN As Integer, rowNN As Integer
    Dim rowO As Integer, rowOO As Integer

    Dim wbA As Workbook, wbB As Workbook
    Dim bws As Worksheet

    Set wbA = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Carrak\Desktop\Data\New Format\Maximo.xlsx.")
    Set wbB = ThisWorkbook

    colAA = 1 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colBB = 45 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colCC = 6 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colDD = 7 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colEE = 8 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colFF = 9 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colGG = 10 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colHH = 11 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colII = 28 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colJJ = 31 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colKK = 34 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colLL = 53 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colMM = 54 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colNN = 55 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying
    colOO = 56 'Replace "1" with the number of the column FROM which you're copying

    colA = 1 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colB = 3 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colC = 5 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colD = 6 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colE = 7 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colF = 8 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colG = 9 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colH = 10 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colI = 11 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colJ = 12 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colK = 13 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colL = 14 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colM = 15 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colN = 16 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying
    colO = 17 'Replace "1" with the number of the column TO which you're copying

    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying
    rowAA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the starting row of the column FROM which you're copying

    rowA = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowB = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowC = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowD = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowE = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowF = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowG = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowH = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowI = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowJ = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowK = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowL = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowM = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowN = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying
    rowO = 2 'Replace "1" with the number of the row of the column TO which you're copying


            lastAA = Cells(Rows.Count, colAA).End(xlUp).Row 'This finds the last row of the data of the column FROM which you're copying
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colAA)
            Cells(rowA, colA) = yourData
            rowA = rowA + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colBB)
            Cells(rowB, colB) = yourData
            rowB = rowB + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colCC)
            Cells(rowC, colC) = yourData
            rowC = rowC + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colDD)
            Cells(rowD, colD) = yourData
            rowD = rowD + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colEE)
            Cells(rowE, colE) = yourData
            rowE = rowE + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colFF)
            Cells(rowF, colF) = yourData
            rowF = rowF + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colGG)
            Cells(rowG, colG) = yourData
            rowG = rowG + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colHH)
            Cells(rowH, colH) = yourData
            rowH = rowH + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colII)
            Cells(rowI, colI) = yourData
            rowI = rowI + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colJJ)
            Cells(rowJ, colJ) = yourData
            rowJ = rowJ + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colKK)
            Cells(rowK, colK) = yourData
            rowK = rowK + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colLL)
            Cells(rowL, colL) = yourData
            rowL = rowL + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colMM)
            Cells(rowM, colM) = yourData
            rowM = rowM + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colNN)
            Cells(rowN, colN) = yourData
            rowN = rowN + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
            For x = rowAA To lastAA 'Loops through all the rows of A
            yourData = Cells(x, colOO)
            Cells(rowO, colO) = yourData
            rowO = rowO + 1 'Increments the current line of destination workbook
            Next x 'Skips to next row
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'Re-enables Screen Updating

End Sub


  1. 指定您的WorkSheet ,而不是依靠隐式ActiveSheet
  2. 使用对象引用而不是激活书/页
  3. 使用更紧凑,更容易迭代的数据结构,例如数组
  4. 将重复的代码(复制)分离到一个单独的例程中
  5. 一次性复制每个范围,而不是循环


Sub Demo()
    ' Declare all your variables
    Dim wbA As Workbook, wbB As Workbook
    Dim wsA As Worksheet, wsB As Worksheet

    Dim Data() As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    ' Specify Source and Destination, Workbook and WorkSheet
    Set wbA = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Carrak\Desktop\Data\New Format\Maximo.xlsx.")
    Set wsA = wbA.Worksheets("SpecifySheetName")

    Set wbB = ThisWorkbook
    Set wsB = wbA.Worksheets("SpecifySheetName")

    ' Set up source and destination data
    '    RowFrom , ColFrom, RowTo, ColTo
    Data = Array( _
      Array(2, 1, 2, 1), _
      Array(2, 45, 2, 3), _
      Array(2, 6, 2, 5), _
      Array(2, 7, 2, 6), _
      Array(2, 8, 2, 7), _
      Array(2, 9, 2, 8), _
      Array(2, 10, 2, 9), _
      Array(2, 11, 2, 10), _
      Array(2, 28, 2, 11), _
      Array(2, 31, 2, 12), _
      Array(2, 34, 2, 13), _
      Array(2, 53, 2, 14), _
      Array(2, 54, 2, 15), _
      Array(2, 55, 2, 16), _
      Array(2, 56, 2, 17))

    ' Clear Destination sheet

    ' Copy Data
    For i = LBound(Data, 1) To UBound(Data, 1)
        CopyData wsA, Data(i)(0), Data(i)(1), wsB, Data(i)(2), Data(i)(3)
End Sub

Sub CopyData(wsSource As Worksheet, rwSource As Variant, clSource As Variant, _
  wsDest As Worksheet, rwDest As Variant, clDest As Variant)
    Dim rng As Range
    With wsSource
        Set rng = .Range(.Cells(rwSource, clSource), .Cells(.Rows.Count, clSource).End(xlUp))
    End With

    With wsDest
        .Cells(rwDest, clDest).Resize(rng.Rows.Count, rng.Columns.Count).Value = _
    End With
End Sub







我认为将数据连接用于此类任务更为简单。 这样,您可以简单地通过Data-> Connections-> Refresh刷新数据。

此处更多内容: https : //www.google.pl/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=&ie=UTF-8&q=data%20connection%20to%20excel%20workbook


  1. 您可以在此处查找加载项: http : //blog.tkacprow.pl/?p=91
  2. 假设您有一个名为Source.xlsx的工作簿,在工作表中名为“ Sheet1”的数据(两个数据列“ A”和“ B”),并且您要将数据复制到当前工作簿。 SQL将是:

     SELECT `Sheet1$`.A, `Sheet1$`.B FROM `C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Desktop\\Source.xlsx`.`Sheet1$` `Sheet1$` 

这会将Source.xlsx工作簿的工作表“ Sheet1”的名为“ A”的列和“ B”的列的所有数据复制到表单的第一个参数中指定的数据范围。 3.要刷新数据,只需转到“数据”->“连接”,找到连接,然后单击“刷新”。


Sub Test()
' Declare all your variables
Dim wbA As Workbook, wbB As Workbook

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Specify Source and Destination, Workbook and WorkSheet

Set wbA = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Carrak\Desktop\Data\New Format\Maximo.xlsx.")
Set wbB = ThisWorkbook


wbA.sheets("sheet1").range("A1:Z500").copy 'change sheet1 as needed A1:Z500 to your range
wbB.sheets("Data").range("A1").pastespecial 'change sheet1 as needed

Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'Re-enables Screen Updating

End sub ()






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