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使用数组,浮点数查找最接近的C ++

[英]Find closest number C++ using arrays, floats

我需要找到与给定数字中的平均值最接近(和次要)的数字。 例如:



int best = a[0];
for (i = 1; i < count; ++i)
best = abs(a[i] - x) < abs(best - x) ? a[i] : best;    

您的代码几乎是正确的...您只需要检查与平均x的距离是否最佳距离相同 ,但是在次要方面,而best距离则不是。

double i_delta = abs(a[i] - x);
double x_delta = abs(best - x);
if (i_delta < x_delta)
     best = a[i];
else if (i_delta == x_delta && a[i] < best)
     best = a[i];


这并不困难,您应该能够做到。 我假设这是您学校作业中的问题,并且您没有心情

int closest(int* array, int size){
//Calculating sum for finding average first
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i< size; i++){
        sum+= array[i]*1.0;
//Here is our average
    double average = sum/size;
//Assuming initial answer is very huge so that every other comparison is less than this
    int answer = 100000000;
    for (int i=0; i< size; i++){
//Finiding the difference for current element
        double temp = abs(array[i]-average);
        double temp1 = abs(answer - average);
//If current difference is less than previous one that replace the previous answer
        if (temp < temp1) answer = array[i];
//If they are equal then accept the minor one
        else if (temp == temp1){
            if (array[i]< answer) answer = array[i];

    return answer;

PS:在这里问这样的问题不是一个好习惯。 您应该先尝试过,然后再尝试发布问题。


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