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[英]More efficient way to import and apply a function to text data in a Pandas Dataframe

基本上,我的代码读取一个文本文件,将其标记为句子,然后查找出现两个预定义锚词的句子,在句子中找到它们之间的距离,然后将该距离追加到列标题为两个的列中预定义的单词,该行是文件中的句子。 或者,如果句子中没有出现两个词,则为null

即如果句子是“棕狐跳了。 懒惰的狗。 快乐的话。 数据框看起来像。

0 | 棕色+跳跃| 跳过+ +狗| 过度+狗
1 | 1 | 空| 空| 空值
2 | 空| 空| 2 | 3
3 | 空| 空| 空| 空值

解析较短的段落时,代码运行良好,但是处理较大的文本文件时,代码花费的时间更长。 我知道使用数据框时加快速度的关键是避免for循环并将函数应用于整个数据集。



   for filename in file_list:
        doc_df = pd.DataFrame()
        doc = open(doc_folder+filename, "r")
        doc_text = doc.read().replace('-\n\n ', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\x0c', '.')
        sents = sent_detector.tokenize(doc_text)
        for sent in sents:
            sent_l = sent.lower()
            sent_ws = set(re.findall(r'[A-Z]?[a-z]+|(?<= )[A-Z]+', sent_l))
            sent_anchs = anchor_words.intersection(sent_ws) #anchor_words is a predefined list of words that I'm looking for
            if sent_anchs != set():
                sent_vecs = sent_to_vecs(sent_l, list(sent_anchs)) # sent_to_vec vectorizes the words in the sentence, and a list of anchor words
                for sent_vec in sent_vecs:
                    # Save the word that it was measured from                
                    base_word = sent_vec[0]
                    df_dict = {}                    
                    for each_tup in mean_treat(sent_vec)[1]:
                        if each_tup[0] in ['ROOT', 'a', 'an', 'the']:
                        df_dict[base_word+'+'+each_tup[0]]=1/(each_tup[1]) #append distance between two words to a the line the sentence is on
                    doc_df = doc_df.append(pd.DataFrame(df_dict, index=[sent_count]))
        doc_df = doc_df.append(pdf) #pdf is the column header.
        doc_df = doc_df.fillna(null_val)
        print('Saving {} to a csv.'.format(filename))


下面是一个使用TextBlob识别单词和句子以及使用集合构建各种单词组合的示例。 结果将附加到Pandas DataFrame。

import itertools
from textblob import TextBlob
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd

data = TextBlob('The brown fox jumped. Over the lazy dog. Happy word.')

anchors = ['brown', 'jumped', 'over', 'the', 'dog']
anchor_pairs = [x for x in itertools.combinations(anchors, 2)]

df = pd.DataFrame()
for idx, sentence in enumerate(data.sentences):
    word_list = sentence.words.lower()
    row = {}
    for pair in itertools.combinations(word_list, 2):
        if pair in anchor_pairs:
            first, second = pair
            label = '%s+%s' % (first, second)
            row.update({label: word_list.index(second) - word_list.index(first)})
    df = df.append(pd.Series(row), ignore_index=True)


    brown+jumped    over+dog    over+the    the+dog
0   2               NaN         NaN         NaN
1   NaN             3           1           2
2   NaN             NaN         NaN         NaN


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