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在 libGdx 中将我的 GameState 序列化为 JSON 不起作用,我该如何解决?

[英]Serialization of my GameState to JSON in libGdx is not working, how can I fix it?

我在将 GameState 保存为 JSON 时遇到问题。

最初我将 GameState 保存为 JSON,如下所示:

Json json = new JSON();
String save = json.prettyPrint(state);


json.fromJson(GameState.class, save);

然而,State 没有正确加载,所以我进行了一些测试。 我做了以下事情:

class Car
    public int id;
    public Color color;
    public Speed speed;

    public Car(int id, Color color, Speed speed)
        this.color = color;
        this.id = id;
        this.speed = speed;

class Speed
    enum ASpeed

    ASpeed speed;

    public Speed()
        speed = ASpeed.FAST;


public void create()
    Json json = new Json();
    Car car = new Car(1, Color.RED, new Speed());
    String carSave = json.prettyPrint(car);




我明白为什么我的游戏没有正确加载; 它没有正确序列化。 我的GameState几乎是一个包含 3 个Array数据的类,这些数据需要从游戏到游戏进行。 我有常规的 getter 和 setter 方法以及几十个实用方法来访问相关数据,如下所示:

//TODO: Possibly add an Array of Event instances to fire for each player when certain circumstances are met as well as a string-based flagging system that can be used in the events.
//TODO: Research threading API in libGdx and see about moving the game logic over to a seperate thread - since this class is used for game logic, consider moving this with it.
public class GameState
    private Array<Player> players;
    private Array<Planet> planets;
    private Array<Fleet> fleets;

    public GameState(Array<Player> players, Array<Planet> planets, Array<Fleet> fleets)
        this.players = players;
        this.planets = planets;
        this.fleets = fleets;

    public Fleet getFleet(int id)
        if(id <= fleets.size)
             return fleets.get(id);
        return null;

    public Planet getPlanet(int id)
        if(id <= planets.size)
            return planets.get(id);
        return null;

    public Player getPlayer(int id)
        if(id <= players.size)
            return players.get(id);
        return null;

当然,这不是最好的方法,但我每个字段只有大约 100 个并且不打算添加更多,所以这种方法很好地满足了我的目的。 每个玩家都包含一个Integer数值数组,用于获取相关数据。 一个例子;

public class Player
    private final int id;

    //libGdx Color used by ShapeRenderer to display planets in the right political color
    private Color color;

    //Things that the game logic demands be accessible from each Player instance
    //TODO: Move these over to the libGdx IntegerArray when you have the time - this will avoid the boxing/unboxing penalty when accessing members.
    Array<Integer> allies;
    Array<Integer> enemies:
    Array<Integer> neutrals;
    Array<Integer> planets;
    Array<Integer> fleets;

    public Player(int id, Color color)
        this.id = id;
        this.color = color;
        allies = new Array<Integer>();
        planets = new Array<Integer>();
        fleets = new Array<Integer>();
        neutrals = new Array<Integer>();
        enemies = new Array<Integer>();

    //Getters, Setters, and many, many utility methods.

Planet、Player 和 Fleet 类都具有相似的结构,甚至实现了相同的接口:

public interface IndexedGameObject extends GameObject
    int getID();

在序列化之前,我的游戏设计和结构运行良好。 我专门学习了 Json 来保存我的游戏,我可能错过了一些东西。 为什么这种设计在序列化时不起作用? 有没有办法让它发挥作用? 如果没有,除了编写我自己的保存格式之外,还有哪些可能的解决方案? 我在 XML 方面的经验很少,这行得通吗?


我愿意并且能够编写我自己的保存格式,但是以一致的、人眼可读的方式这样做会增加大量开销和维护,并且会浪费时间(因为它类似于编写一个非常小型的、不完全是函数式的语言,我需要做大量的一般测试以确保它正常工作)和精力,最好花在开发和维护更直观的用户界面上。 如果 JSON 无法满足我的目的,有什么可以吗?

我基本上必须重新安排我的整个日程安排(是的,我保留了一份我需要做的事情以及我应该在何时做这些事情的清单,例如;星期二 - 修复那个烦人的,几乎不可能在放学和家庭作业后重新创建按钮消失的错误)。

理论上,我的 JSON 应该具有这样的结构;

GameState ->
    fleets ->
        fleet ->
            owner: integer id of the player that owns this fleet.
            id: the index of this fleet in the Array
            locationID: integer id of the province this fleet is located in.
            originalTransports: final integer used for reinforcing.
            originalFighters: final integer used for reinforcing.
            originalFrigates: final integer used for reinforcing.
            originalDreadnaughts: final integer used for reinforcing.
            transports: number of troop transports currently in the fleet.
            fighters: the number of fighters currently in fleet.
            frigates: the number of frigates in this fleet.
            dreadnaughts: number of dreadnaughts in the fleet.
    players ->
        player ->
            id: int representing the index of this player in the GameState
            provinces: Integer Array representing the provinces owned by this player.
            allies: Integer Array representing the index of the other Players allied to this one.
            enemies: Integer Array representing the indices of the other players at war with this one.
            neutrals: Integer Array representing the players whom this player is neutral to
            desiredAllies: Integer Array representing the players who this player desires for allies - used mainly by the ai to determine who to send alliance offers to and who to accept them from.
            fleets: Integer Array representing the indices of the fleets of this player
    provinces ->
        province ->
            id: int representing the index of this province
            owner: int id of the owning player in the GameState
            name: String value. Text displayed on the screen when province selected.
            isUnderSiege: boolean. Read the variable name.
            colonies ->
                colony ->
                     name: String value. Displayed in the menu when the city is selected from the province info screen that pops up when the province is selected.
                     controller: The index of the controlling Player in the GameState.
                     population: int number of people who reside here. Used to calculate things such as how many ships this planet provides, or how much tax it gives to the player.
                     fortLevel: double representing the amount of organized military resistance this colony will give an attacker before surrendering.
                     growthRate: the number of births occurring in this colony every 60 ticks.


玩家阵列和舰队正常工作。 当我到达省阵时,事情变得很奇怪;

        //There should be 300 provinces. Instead 300 of these
        colonies: [ {},{},{},{},{},{},{} ]


public class Planet implements IndexedGameObject, Modifier
    private int id;

    private Array<Colony> colonies;

    public Planet(int id, Array<Colony> colonies)
        this.id = id;
        this.colonies = colonies;

    //Utility methods + Getters/Setters

class Colony
    private int parentProvinceID;
    private ColonyType type;

    public Colony(int parentProvinceID, ColonyType type)
        this.parentProvinceID = parentProvinceID;
        this.type = type;

    //Some more irrelevant methods

enum ColonyType

您的问题是由通用 Arrays引起的。 我认为 JSON 不可能序列化例如Array<Player>

解决方案是包装通用数组 - 看看这个线程或在可能的情况下不使用通用 Array (例如FloatArray而不是Array )。

另一方面,您的逻辑结构似乎类似于关系 - 也许使用某些 SQL 技术而不是将其保存在对象中并进行序列化/反序列化会更方便? 在这里你有一些简而言之的信息

我通过将枚举字段设为public static并将它们移动到它们的父类中来解决这个问题 - 正如@Barodapride 和@TenFour04 所指出的那样,我忽略了这一点。

public class Planet
    private Array<Colony> colonies;

    public static class Colony
        private ColonyType type;
        private int parentProvinceID;

        public static enum ColonyType



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