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[英]Complex parsing of a string in Python





Lot of {n}


{n} {text2} 



  • 它可能会或可能不会跟一个点
  • 不区分大小写
  • {n}和PCS之间可以有一个空格
  • 除去以下内容:PC或PCS,可选点和可选空格


  • {n}作为整数
  • [{text1}] [{text2}],即首先连接到一个字符串,然后是一个{text1}(如果存在),然后是一个空格,然后是{text2}(如果存在)。 仅当其中有两个时,才使用分隔文本的空间。

如果{quantity}除正整数之外还包含其他任何内容,则{n}仅由整数组成,并且{n}的其余部分(例如“ PCS。”)将从{n}和结果文本字符串中剥离。

在文本部分中,可能会出现更多的整数。 除找到的{quantity}外,任何其他内容均应视为文本的一部分,而不应解释为其他数量。

我是前C / C ++程序员。 如果必须使用这些语言解决此问题,则可能会在lex和yacc中使用规则,否则我将不得不编写很多讨厌的代码来手动解析它。

我想学习一种干净的方法来用Python有效地对此进行编码,可能使用某种形式的规则轻松支持更多情况。 我想我可以在Python中使用lex和yacc,但是我想知道是否有更简单的方法。 我是Python新手; 我什至不知道从哪里开始。


通过Pyparsing,您可以使用'+'和'|'将较小的解析器拼接在一起,从而构建一个解析器 运算符(以及其他)。 您还可以将名称附加到解析器中的各个元素,以使以后更容易获得这些值。

from pyparsing import (pyparsing_common, CaselessKeyword, Optional, ungroup, restOfLine, 
    oneOf, SkipTo)

int_qty = pyparsing_common.integer

# compose an expression for the quantity, in its various forms
Lot of {n}
LOT = CaselessKeyword("lot")
OF = CaselessKeyword("of")
pieces = oneOf("PC PCS PC. PCS.", caseless=True)
qty_expr = Optional(LOT + OF).suppress() + int_qty("qty") + Optional(pieces).suppress()

# compose expression for entire line
line_expr = SkipTo(qty_expr)("text1") + qty_expr + restOfLine("text2")

tests = """
    Send me 1000 widgets pronto!
    Deliver a Lot of 50 barrels of maple syrup by Monday, June 10.
    My shipment was short by 25 pcs.



Send me 1000 widgets pronto!
['Send me', 1000, ' widgets pronto!']
- qty: 1000
- text1: ['Send me']
- text2:  widgets pronto!

Deliver a Lot of 50 barrels of maple syrup by Monday, June 10.
['Deliver a ', 50, ' barrels of maple syrup by Monday, June 10.']
- qty: 50
- text1: ['Deliver a ']
- text2:  barrels of maple syrup by Monday, June 10.

My shipment was short by 25 pcs.
['My shipment was short by', 25, '']
- qty: 25
- text1: ['My shipment was short by']
- text2: 

编辑:Pyparsing支持两种形式的替代匹配:MatchFirst,它停在第一个匹配替代上(使用'|'运算符定义),或者Or,评估所有替代并选择最长的匹配(使用'^'定义)运营商)。 因此,如果需要数量表达式的优先级,则可以明确定义它:

qty_pcs_expr = int_qty("qty") + White().suppress() + pieces.suppress()
qty_expr = Optional(LOT + OF).suppress() + int_qty("qty") + FollowedBy(White())

# compose expression for entire line
line_expr = (SkipTo(qty_pcs_expr)("text1") + qty_pcs_expr + restOfLine("text2") |
             SkipTo(qty_expr)("text1") + qty_expr + restOfLine("text2"))


tests = """
    Send me 1000 widgets pronto!
    Deliver a Lot of 50 barrels of maple syrup by Monday, June 10.
    My shipment was short by 25 pcs.
    2. I expect 22 pcs delivered in the morning
    On May 15 please deliver 1000 PCS.


2. I expect 22 pcs delivered in the morning
['2. I expect ', 22, ' delivered in the morning']
- qty: 22
- text1: ['2. I expect ']
- text2:  delivered in the morning

On May 15 please deliver 1000 PCS.
['On May 15 please deliver ', 1000, '']
- qty: 1000
- text1: ['On May 15 please deliver ']
- text2: 

我不知道您是否要使用re ,但是这是我认为可行的正则表达式。 您可以更改str值进行测试。 匹配返回一个具有三个值[{text1}] {quantity} [{text2}]的元组。 如果缺少text1和text2,则元组中的第一和最后一项将为空。

import re


matchObj = re.search(r'([a-zA-Z]+|)(\dPCS?\.?|Lot of \d)([a-zA-Z]+|)',str).groups()
print matchObj.groups()

('aSOETIHSIBSROG', '1PCS.', 'ecsrGIR')

这是一个使用正则表达式匹配两种情况的规则处理器。 我创建了一个自定义匹配结果类,以保存从输入字符串中提取的相关值。 规则处理器连续尝试以下规则:

  • rule1-尝试匹配{n},然后匹配pc,pc。,pcs或pcs之一。
  • Rule2-尝试匹配以“很多”开头的{n}
  • rule3-匹配{n},后跟{text2}


abc 23 PCS. def
amount=23 qtype=PCS. text1="abc" text2="def" rule=1
abc 23pc def
amount=23 qtype=pc text1="abc" text2="def" rule=1
abc 24pc.def
amount=24 qtype=pc. text1="abc" text2="def" rule=1
abc 24 pcs def
amount=24 qtype=pcs text1="abc" text2="def" rule=1
abc lot of 24 def
amount=24 qtype=lot of text1="abc" text2="def" rule=2
3 abcs
amount=3 qtype=None text1="" text2="abcs" rule=3
import re

class Match:
    def __init__(self, amount, qtype, text1, text2, rule):
        self.amount = int(amount)
        self.qtype = qtype
        self.text1 = text1
        self.text2 = text2
        self.rule = rule

    def __str__(self):
        return 'amount={} qtype={} text1="{}" text2="{}" rule={}'.format(
            self.amount, self.qtype, self.text1, self.text2, self.rule)

#{n} pc pc. pcs pcs.
def rule1(s):
    m = re.search("\s*(?P\d+)\s*(?PPCS?\.?)\s*", s, re.IGNORECASE)
    if m:
        return Match(m.group('amount'), m.group('qtype'),
                     text1=s[:m.start()], text2=s[m.end():], rule=1)
    return None

#lot of {n}
def rule2(s):
    m = re.search("\s*lot of\s*(?P\d+)\s*", s, re.IGNORECASE)
    if m:
        return Match(m.group('amount'), 'lot of',
                     text1=s[:m.start()], text2=s[m.end():], rule=2)
    return None

#{n} {text2}
def rule3(s):
    m = re.search("\s*(?P\d+)\s*",s)
    if m:
        return Match(m.group('amount'), None,
                     text1=s[:m.start()], text2=s[m.end():], rule=3)
    return None

RULES = [rule1, rule2, rule3]

def process(s):
    for rule in RULES:
        m = rule(s)
        if m: return m
    return None

tests = [
"abc 23 PCS. def",
"abc 23pc def",
"abc 24pc.def",
"abc 24 pcs def",
"abc lot of 24 def",
"3 abcs"

for t in tests:
    m = process(t)


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